Roe vs Wade Overturned by US Supreme Court!

by Simon 173 Replies latest social current

  • Riley

    People who chose to be sexually active need to choose to be responsible? Ha ha

    Have you missed the alt right and the pandemic? No one waving a bible gives two shits about anyone once they get to make their symbolic stand over “ freedom “ or “ life”.

    Suddenly you believe making abortion illegal everyone will start acting responsibly ? Half the damn country thinks all the animals in the world got together and got on a big boat and you think they are smart enough to figure this out?

    Travel the third world. Your self righteous fantasy just leads to children harvesting garbage dumps for something to eat and women into the hands of back alley butchers.

    Either adopt 12 foster kids or shut the hell up.

  • Simon

    Why do you assume people who object to killing babies have to be religious?

    While there are often some overlaps in opinions between groups, being religious is not a pre-requisite for caring about the welfare of unborn babies, or any other lives for that matter.

    And poverty is less to do with having children and more todo with corrupt economics, very often tied to the very socialist groups that push for abortions to be overused.

  • Riley

    Oh quite calling all abortions “ killing babies”. There is no chance of fetal viability or fetal pain till like the 20 week and the vast majority are preformed during first trimester.

    Loaded Populist nonsense is going to turn the United States into Mexico.

  • Diogenesister
    think Harris was making the point that, if abortion is such an evil in God's eyes, He is acting in direct opposition to that belief by making it happen naturally. If you're an atheist, the argument is meaningless, since the high rate of natural miscarriages is just an outcome of the evolutionary process.

    This is a well crafted argument. Nothing I've read rebuts it very well.

    That doesn't involve human intervention though.

    I'm thinking the problem most people on the board seem to have with the American model is the refusal to accept that there is a point that happens, prior to birth, when the fetus becomes a 'person'.

    Because 'Personhood' includes in its definition the capacity to suffer. Science has proven beyond 20 wks a baby can.

  • Simon
    Oh quite calling all abortions “ killing babies”.

    I don't. But it's not accurate to say none are babies. It's you people that want to defend baby killing up to the point of birth. So quit pretending that all abortions are early fetuses ...

    There is no chance of fetal viability or fetal pain till like the 20 week and the vast majority are preformed during first trimester.

    Then make something around that time the legal limit, maybe 18 to be safe. Simple and something everyone can agree on, right?

    Or are you going to insist you die on the democrat's "we must kill babies up-to birth?" hill for idiots?

  • Simon
    Science has proven beyond 20 wks a baby can.

    The left is the party of science denial. They live in their own fantasy world. You should hear their theories on economics and climate ...

  • JeffT

    A thought experiment, I can't find any case law on this, but I suspect we'll see some soon. Pretend you're on the jury:

    A pregnant woman gets hit by a drunk driver. She survives, the unborn baby dies. Can the drunk driver be charged with murder? If he is, can he argue that it can't be murder because a fetus is not a human being and has no right to life?

    For the record, I'm generally opposed to abortion, but I don't think I'm smart enough to decide for everybody. I do think that the first three months should be enough time to decide what to do. After that it, its a matter of saving the mother's life or similar situation.

  • Simon
    A pregnant woman gets hit by a drunk driver. She survives, the unborn baby dies. Can the drunk driver be charged with murder? If he is, can he argue that it can't be murder because a fetus is not a human being and has no right to life?

    It would lead to a huge contradictions in the law. You can't have the same things categorized as completely opposite things at the same time - a life and not a life.

    Of course the resolution is easy, but unpalatable to the left as they rely heavily on misleading labelling of things: the unborn baby is a baby, a human life, in both cases but in the case of abortion someone is claiming they have the right to kill that life.

    This is what they don't want to do - admit that they want to kill babies. You see it on this thread - repeated attempts to claim everything is just a fetus, when it clearly is not.

  • JeffT

    One for the guys: did your significant other ever wake you up a 3 AM to tell you she felt the fetus move?

  • titch
    I believe that people such as TonusOH and others have responded quite well, in accordance with what I was trying to point out. My thought was, If spontaneous abortions, or, miscarriages, are nature's way of terminating or ending a pregnancy---and they happen more often than we might think--- then why do some people have an objection when some---not all---female human beings, choose to have an abortive procedure, when they come to the realization that they are pregnant? Let me clarify something: I might have mentioned this in a previous response, but I'll repeat it here: I have absolutely no "skin in the game" in this issue. I have never, ever wanted to perpetuate the human race by contributing to the production of " cranking out babies" onto the face of Planet Earth. And, I have not done so. But, let me be clear on this: I am of the "pro-choice" mindset. That's right---pro-choice. I firmly believe that an adult female, when she comes to the realization that she is pregnant, should have the right to choose how to proceed with the pregnancy, whether to continue with it, let the fetus develop for 9 months and give birth to a baby at that point----or, to terminate the pregnancy at a reasonable, feasible time. The choice should be left up to the female who is pregnant. Not some governmental entity...not some religious entity. So, hey, if the individual states in the United States are now going to decide whether to have abortion legal or illegal in their own respective states, then so be it. Let's see what happens in 10, 15, or 20 years.

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