I believe that people such as TonusOH and others have responded quite well, in accordance with what I was trying to point out. My thought was, If spontaneous abortions, or, miscarriages, are nature's way of terminating or ending a pregnancy---and they happen more often than we might think--- then why do some people have an objection when some---not all---female human beings, choose to have an abortive procedure, when they come to the realization that they are pregnant? Let me clarify something: I might have mentioned this in a previous response, but I'll repeat it here: I have absolutely no "skin in the game" in this issue. I have never, ever wanted to perpetuate the human race by contributing to the production of " cranking out babies" onto the face of Planet Earth. And, I have not done so. But, let me be clear on this: I am of the "pro-choice" mindset. That's right---pro-choice. I firmly believe that an adult female, when she comes to the realization that she is pregnant, should have the right to choose how to proceed with the pregnancy, whether to continue with it, let the fetus develop for 9 months and give birth to a baby at that point----or, to terminate the pregnancy at a reasonable, feasible time. The choice should be left up to the female who is pregnant. Not some governmental entity...not some religious entity. So, hey, if the individual states in the United States are now going to decide whether to have abortion legal or illegal in their own respective states, then so be it. Let's see what happens in 10, 15, or 20 years.