With the UN on the tv all the time my husband is just stuck to it waiting for jw prophesis to come true it is so sick , you can just see the mind minulipulation going on in his head.I have been reading about the UN and the Watchtower in threads and in Freeminds , i was not surprised but very hopeful that this maybe what i need to finally get my husband to see the sickness of this cult.I printed out the photocopy on freeminds and showed it to him ,also everyday he reads the dailytext thats supposed to have bible verses for each day, i compared his text with the bible and found many differences and each text ends with the wt page and yr this verse was in.Well i confronted him and holy crap he went nuts , screaming , it's all lies that is an apostate sight, anyone can print anything about us.I told him i could send a letter to the UN for conformation, well that did it he threw a cup and smashed it and looked crazed.You would think after all these yrs of him being in a cult i could accept it , but i can,t ,i know what it is and it makes me sick , i am starting to believe these sick asses are going to win, one way or another i will get away from this. The despise for this cult grows by the minute. The only thing keeping me sane is all of you , i feel very cared for here ,you all can think for yourselves and say how you feel, i think i know all of you more then my husband of 29yrs. he's thoughts are through the Watchtower, were all of your's is real. I don't know if any of this is making any sense i am just writing down some thoughts and the confrontation with my husband. Thanks KLS
those sick bastards are winning
by kls 17 Replies latest jw friends
I got through the confrontational mode. They always come back with an incompleter or twisted logic or start ranting. The manipulation methodology they have installed WITHOUT ANYBODY REALIZING IT is incredible. So, these days (and towards the end when I was leaving) I just nod and smile. I did a silent "have it your way"; no response is best.
I feel for you. I hope you can divert the subject and go onto other things. Best wishes
I dont see that they are winning, after all, the more truthful the statement, the angrier the denial.
We will always be here for you, there is always someone around on the board so take advantage of that whenever you need to.
My email is open if ever you should need to use it, vent, rant, talk, whatever you need.
{{{{{{hugz}}}}}} sweety.
It is so sad and painful to see your husband as such a weak man.
It can be aggravating, painful, angering, it makes one feel hopeless and alone; weak and venerable with no one to lean on for support and comfort in your own home!
I am so sorry sweety……I really am.
For you it is This Cult your husband loves but for many wives it is another woman and the emotions are all the same.
All you know is your husband is not yours and something is terribly wrong.
There is pain and agony as one minute he seems himself and you love him….then he turns his heart in the direction of his other love and his personality changes and your skin crawls as he says incredibly senseless things. Cowardly comments come from his mouth and he seems to support atrocious behavior as expectable!
Your appalled, your confused, your sickened and nothing you say can change it.
I’m glad you have found this board and everyone here.
You know on the U.N. thing I just called Bethel and asked them. He could too.
They do not deny it but they do claim they some how did not know the membership was not necessary all those years. I’m not sure it would be an instant help but it would plant seeds so to speak.
He’d tell you see they didn’t mean it and you could say well they did belong for so many years to not notice The NGO Status was not required. Just seems fishy.
Then end it there and let it sink in over time.
Couldn’t hurt to try…..if your feel you can.
Gotta Luvz Ya Sugar,
Hi there I really feel for you but at the same time I was in that sistuation .... as a husband some 18 years ago and I have to say i still feel the grip of the WT even now!! because the society builds the male of the partnership up into the MOST responsible and i n control person then it is VERY hard indeed to break free , so please take it easy with your husband / mate he may find it much hsrder than you to let go because of the "responsibility" he feels he has for you . just take it one step at a time ...I wish you love and good fortune in your future XXX MIkey G.
About UN prophecies; they are not winning.
Although when in the borg we were taught to think as part of the collective and turn any current event into a fullfilment of prophecy, in actual fact the current world events are turning the Watchtower on it's head.
The UN is supposed to turn on religion, not governments.
They are supposed to be declaring imminent "peace and security" prior to the end, not war.
Big Tex
If you mean winning hearts and minds, no they are most definitely not winning. But if you mean winning fear and obedience from their members, then yes you probably are right.
Realize there is a crossroads fast approaching where you, and your husband, are going to have to make a choice. He is going to have to choose you or his religion. You are going to have to choose to deal with this nonsense or break free.
Good luck.
It sounds like your relationship dynamic is tettering on the brink of violence. I wonder if it's time for you to take defensive measures. You realize that the JWs aren't going to back you if he strikes you? Somehow it will be all your fault.
Do you have any plans made for your protection in case it goes this way?
It is very sad to see that JW's cannot think for themselves. They think that Proverbs 3:5 which says Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding, means that you can't open your eyes and see what's going on.
They made so many mistakes in the past, and they will never admit all the errors they made.
They can't predict anything. Only once it's passed, they see what happened.
This sounds like my husband.
Only now he's free of the cult and brainwashing thanks to my persistence.
I suggest being patient or leaving. I had a choice and chose the first and thank god it turned out well. But I wouldn't blame anyone if they chose the second. We all have our breaking points.