We have been out for about 6 years. When we first knew it was not "the truth", we kept going to meetings for two years, slowly fading to avoid being disfellowshipped. So far, so good. But, we know our time is limited.
Those two years were kind of exciting because we were hiding who we really were. I felt exhilirated much of the time, and so FREE. But, there were times of tremendous anger. Most of that was before I actually saw it as a cult. There was great anger and rage directed at my husband, who started the investigation, until I finally broke under the overwhelming evidence. There were also many sad times when people wouldn't accept our invitations because we were so much less active than before. (my husband had been an elder for 26 years) I guess they were teaching us a lesson, eh?
When we made the final break, it just felt great. I think when they finally get around to disfellowshipping us, it will feel wonderful.