Greetings to all you "Free Moral Agents" in cyperspace. This is my first post after lurking on this and other boards for over a year. First I would like to give Kudo's to Simon for making the site availabe to all who need relief after their "Awakening". My name is Robert Randall. My family and I reside in Ohio State "BUCKEYE" country, that being Columbus, Ohio in the great U.S.A. Four of the five members of my family D.A. in June of 02 and caused quite a stir locally because of our standing in the local J-Dub community. Back to my [Question] African Americans bring ther own unique experinences of being in the Borg. I've seen a few over the period of time i.e.[JT] since I have been visitng this site, however I'm sure there have to be quite a few, who like myself just need a gentle push to come on out and "Tell it on the Mountain".If there are any former J-Dubs in the Central Ohio area who would like to contact me they can at {[email protected].}
Where all the Brothers at?
by Gideon 33 Replies latest jw friends
We are glad you made the decision to post and share your experience with us.
More people visit this site than we can imagine. Glad you're here!
Welcome Gideon. I'm white but I'm still cool. You can call me your bro.
Gideon, I'm so white I'm practically translucent but welcome to the board and thanks for your post (its that damn Irish and Polish combination)!!
I`m so white,I glow in the dark..LOL!...OUTLAW
Greetings Gideon!!! Glad that you have decided to post! Hope to read many more from you in the future.
Kansas District Overbeer
Welcome, Gideon
This is a great site. One thing in particular I've noticed in the few months I've been here: a vast range of divergent opinions are encouraged, except (thankfully) the "race" card. We're all the same color here, eh?
I`m so white, I glow in the dark..LOL!...OUTLAW
That's because you live where the sun doesn't show for 6 months. Now get out of that tanning bed! LOL Craig -
Hi, Gideon, and welcome! I'm not white or black either one. I'm actually pink. Well, not pink... kind of a beige, with a sort of light rose mixed in. Actually, it's darker than that, and not quite as red... have you ever seen winterbutter?
Yeah, I was wondering where the brothers are myself. I'm black, but I'm not a brother!
I know that there are a few blacks that post and probably many that are lurking.
I love this board. Actually it has become an obsession for me to read the post on a daily basis. I have learned so much and I am always astonished by the true history of Jehovah Witnesses.
I have only posted a few times...I still feel that I have so much to learn that I mostly just read the post and don't comment. As time goes on I hope to be a very active contributor.
I am very white and right wing, which makes me a minority on this board. And unpopular...