JW to be banned in Russia soon?
by I am a Bible Student 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I am a Bible Student
I saw this on jw.org today: -
Oh gawd... that's HORRIBLE!
What russians are good god fearing people -
Russia isn't just targeting the Dubs. As we've discussed several times on this site, Vlad and his Impalers have been systematically developing national laws and regulations, especially since the events of 9/11, to address any group that doesn't fit with Vlad's view of what Mother Russia should embrace.
Some of it seems a bit reactionary and designed to control non-Russian external groups coming into Russia since the Cold War ended. Some of it is rational, as Vlad seeks to avoid contaminating influences by outside groups, whether they are religious or not, and including Islam and non-religious entities.
And some of it designed to control groups already within Russia, especially Islam, from what he and the Impalers view is a contaminating influence. Russia has begun to paint with a broad brush regarding issues of interest to the state and issues of interest to the individual and the group.
If Europe and other countries would begin embracing and implementing similar legislation, albeit a bit more tolerant and less purely nationalistic, it would very likely place needed controls on all religions, including the Dubs, Islam and anyone else causing potential harm to a nation/state.
Dfing, teaching that your religion is right and all others are wrong, honor killings, forced wearing of head scarves, jihads, fatwas, discouraging voting or engagement in political processes and teaching End of Time nonsense relative to all those not in 'your' religion, including the governments and political institutions, are going to soon be destroyed are included in Vlad's regulatory guidelines. That places the Dark Lords squarely in Vlad's sights. And that is a very good thing.
I see this as a good thing to reel in religion's vile influence, in the long run. In the short run???
Go Russia!!!
Before anyone roasts me for "religious discrimination", let's get some facts straight.
1) JWism is a cult.
2) The Jehovist Leaders are extremists and extremely disrespectful to the Superior Authorities.
3) Jehovist leaders cover up pedophilia to protect their image/brand.
The Organization/WTBTS deserves zero respect and zero sympathy, they will recieve neither from me. If they are "banned", it will mean nothing. The Jehovists can stil believe in their Neo-Zionist/Communist utopia at home. They can still meet together to recite the GB's latest speculations at home. They can have conventions at home if they believe it so much. They can set up a contribution box at home. They can find a way to watch their televangelist propaganda AT HOME...
Nothing will be affected except the WTBTS's "worldly" business practices/Real Estate holdings. They will still be an extremist cult with dwindling numbers that places the majority of its "preaching" efforts on retaining the current congregants.
Why is the "one true religion" worried about commercial property?
Is Russia the "king of the North" of "the South?" Or is it North Korea? I forget.....is it Iran? They flipped so many times. I guess it changes as the world changes....It depends on who is "touching the eyeball" or could touch the eyeball at the current time. I'm sure that this will ratchet up the persecution complex. -
If the Dubs, Islam, Pussy Riot or any other entity wishes to operate in Mother Russia, they will play by Vlad's rules. The laws and regulations have been written so that they can broadly interpret anything they believe is counter to Russian objectives. The Dubs can stay in Russia, but they will have to leave behind all of what makes them unique. It will be interesting to see how the Dark Lords respond. They will likely flail about like victims for a while, but in the end if they want to operate in Russia they will have to get rid of all literature and all teachings that espouses the stuff I mentioned above. The Dark Lords will either comply or leave Russia, and that is most excellent.
And Vlad and his Impalers WILL be watching.
My $ is on the Impalers. And if ISIS or some other Islamic group gets their hands on a nuclear weapon or otherwise manages to inflict massive casualties in the W world, I fully expect Vlad-like laws and regulations to be imposed on all religions. That will be the game changer.
Of course, Vlad has built somewhat of a wall around the Russian Orthodox Church, which he views in part as a relic of Mother Russia and in part that it serves his needs for influence ($, social, political).
Just imagine! All that valuable real estate possibly confiscated! Satanic persecution!
Hmm? What?
Oh yeah.
Poor brothers & sisters too, yah, yah.
But that precious beautiful real estate! My heavens! The horror!
I'm not sure how I feel about this. It will almost certainly not free any of those in russia that are currently mentally enslaved to this cult (indeed it will probably cause them to double down in their commitment), but it may well help prevent future victimization from taking place. This also has me wondering how truthful the cult's frequent line that when under ban they often have more growth than in countries where they're free to practice. That seems feasible because it would require even more deceptive recruitment tactics, as opposed to the slightly more up-front (though still far from honest) recruiting in other countries. But it seems most things that the cult says is either a lie or wildly deceptive, I'm not so sure.
I wonder if something else might be more effective - instead of banning "extremist" groups (which is something that can be somewhat subjective to define, and will always be debated by such groups) they should ban any groups that push for deceptive recruiting tactics and do not provide full disclosure to prospective members up-front. This would be reasonably easy to demonstrate to be the case with JWs and a statement saying that you're banning a group because they use deceptive recruiting tactics and have refused to be up-front in recruiting after being given a warning sends a very different message. They can no longer claim persecution as effectively (especially if documented evidence of said deceptive recruiting is provided to the public) because they're being punished for what is essentially fraud. It would also do a lot to warn the public away from them - being banned because you're extremist can be read as being banned because you really believe in your cause which some see as a virtue. Being banned because you deceive people into joining your group has no up side to it.
It might be harder to implement something like that, though, in a legal setting. But it would probably still cover everyone that they want to target - extremist groups and cults all use deceptive recruiting.