Guys ... Be honest here ... Do you ever Pee in the bathroom sink

by RubaDub 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i knew a couple--many years ago---on their honemoon---he gets up in the hotel bedroom--middle of the night---gropes around in the dark feeling for the wash basin......thinks hes found it--pees in it--gets back to bed..

    next morning his new wife finds her open vanity case is all wet inside.

    true--not made up.

  • tiki

    Guys pee anywhere they happen to be when the urge hits.....from my observation.....good guys try to find the nearest loo...but if they can't....any place will do just fine.

    I learned how to pee in the woods as a little girl out in field service in rurals. Just watch out for poison ivy.

  • UnshackleTheChains

    knew a couple--many years ago---on their honemoon---he gets up in the hotel bedroom--middle of the night---gropes around in the dark feeling for the wash basin......thinks hes found it--pees in it--gets back to bed..

    Next morning his new wife finds her open vanity case is all wet inside.

    true--not made up.

    Lol.....the power of the willy...😂😂

  • blondie

    A sister in our car group was at the door and had ignored her 4-year-old's pleas that he had to go. The lady came to the door and saw the sister's son peeing in her bookbag..........!

  • Darkknight757

    Never the sink but I was at a Burger King once when a guy took a dump in the urinal.

  • Simon

    In the sink? Ew, no, gross - that's why women think men are disgusting.

    At the side of the road? Sure ... no problem with that.

    Sometimes you gotta go and you're in the middle of nowhere on a long trip.

  • bohm
    A sister in our car group was at the door and had ignored her 4-year-old's pleas that he had to go. The lady came to the door and saw the sister's son peeing in her bookbag..........!

    That young boy has a bright future in the writing department!

  • GrreatTeacher

    Yes, tiki, watch out for poison ivy and always face uphill.

    When I was very little, I often made midnight bathroom trips. One night I mistook the laundry hamper for the toilet, lifted the lid, and peed in it.

    Boy, I was in trouble in the morning. Sleepwalking and peeing don't mix

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Yes when ever the bathroom is being used and I gotta go and no ones looking.

  • rebel8

    Jesus H. Christ! It's not like using the toilet is a huge burden.

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