Even with recent changes it’s a struggle to get people to attend

by hoser 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    JWdom uses fear and propaganda to manipulate "inactive" ones or df'd ones or whoever back to the kh

    You realize that jw's are only .01% of the world's population,,,and people survive and live just fine without be a JW

    Its that clincher when you realize you don't need JWs in your life

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  • Ron.W.

    It always used to amaze me that they thought even long faded, totally disinterested ex jw's would somehow be gagging to attend their totally unscriptural annual memorial..🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

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  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere


    Actually a better way to stay awake
    Balaamsass22 days ago

    I had an old High School friend who is PIMO call me a couple of Sundays ago. He told me was enjoying a cocktail on the deck and throwing a ball for the dog..... while logged in (dark) on Zoom..."Attending" the meeting.....lol

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  • Reasonfirst
    QUOTE: "Foolednomore - Face it, Jwism does not work. Just a lot of BS! "

    Yup! But we can extend that thought - It's not just the JWs, but all of Xtianity is bullshit.
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  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    You realize that religion is nothing more than ''dudes"".

    Just leading people on...and making things up as they go on.

    Thats what you come to realize.

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  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    If you can relate to the "Wizard of Oz""

    And that little dog,I believe was called "Toto"".

    Well, the internet is like that 'dog'.

    Pulling away that curtain. And exposing the Borg for what it's really about.

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  • Vidiot
    Ron.W. - It always used to amaze me that they thought even long faded, totally disinterested ex jw's would somehow be gagging to attend their totally unscriptural annual memorial.”

    It’s the same reason some relatives occasionally say, “you know it’s The Truth, right?”

    Full-on True Believers, from the bottom to the top, really cannot grasp that the vast majority of XJWs are out, not because they’re weak, or wicked, or demonized…

    …but simply because we’ve concluded that it’s not The Truth.

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  • Mikejw

    This is such an interesting but over simplified term if it is the truth or not. You could simply ask the question is the Bible the truth, is it Gods word or man’s. If you like me think there is a possibility that it is Gods word then what is the correct interpretation of it? Does anyone have the correct interpretation of it? Certainly not all of it, JWs are wrong about 1914 which is the basis for their most fundamental foundations.

    The problem comes when someone challenges doctrine with another opinion about interpretation of scripture.

    My view is I don’t think JWs are correct about much at all, but I can’t come up with a better interpretation myself or find anyone else on earth who has a better interpretation, I’m just certain JWs are wrong about 1914 foundations to their interpretation.

    I will say though that I love the social club aspect of staying physically in mentally agnostic. Most JWs are trying their best to apply Christian principles and better themselves like with the fruits of the spirit.

    It’s a very good social club to be in to be honest. I love all the changes recently and looking forward to the next ones.

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  • tiki

    Just another man-made religion with those in power gloating over the minions...and keeping them under their thumb by manipulation...guilt tactics...whatever. but some people like that..they like the group...their self esteem is such that they accept the mental abuse the religion delivers,

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