OMG JW Sea Org
by sherrie11 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hey know the expression: " if it looks like a ____, then it probably IS a ____" -
Oubliette - "This religion is beginning to look more and more like a cult!"
I think a lot of people would argue that it already was...'s just (unintentionally) being more honest about it, now. :smirk:
Sofia Lose
No way will I wear an uniform!
Looking cultish!!!
Seeing how this is a booth at a book fair, it's not too far out there - yet. When I've had to attend work events that featured booths, we, as employees, were given company logo'd shirts to wear while working the booth. After our shift was done, back to the jeans and t-shirts or whatever.
Now, if they start requiring dubs to wear these 'uniforms' while working out in service, whether door-to-door or standing idly by a literature cart, then it gets a bit more cultish, more like Mormons and their black slacks/ties and white shirts. But for now, It's what it has always been - a publishing company using volunteer workers to sell their wares. They're just pushing some company logo wear on them to wear while working isolated events.
(though it does achieve another goal - robs the booth worker of any individualism. They are a robot arm of the corporation, not a real person. This is true whether it's religion or industrial lubricants. --Bonus points to whoever can name the movie I just ripped that off from)
Witness 007
Creepy creeps!!! Knorr and Fred Franz turning in there graves. -
Witness 007 - "Knorr and Fred Franz turning in there graves."
Rutherford, on the other hand, probably has a chubby harder than his dessicated corpse.
Oh vidiot, you naughty boy. -
Rutherford, on the other hand, probably has a chubby harder than his dessicated corpse.
Rutherford would rather have another drink or seven.
OMG JW Sea Org
I still think JW's and Scientology should meld. Jehovah's Scientists - Imagine them going door to door preaching about Body Thetans, Sea Org Pioneers and Bible Auditing.
They are wearing the uniforms in the USA now. I found this gem:
sorry guys I dont know how to copy a picture in.
There is no question the WTS has cranked up the marketing of its cult.
Street carts and alike.
It used to be the WTS wanted people clean looking and well groomed, with hopefully the WTS's literature in hand to pass out. Now days its JWorg. . anything, same imposed grooming but with more commercialized objects such as ......