Here is something interesting. Its about the parable of the “mustard seed” as interpreted in the days of the Watchtowers key Prophetic interpreter, the inimitable Freddie Franz. Its from the book: MANS SALVATION OUT OF WORLD DISTRESS AT HAND (1975) And is gleaned from pages 206 – 209. The exposition commences by talking about Christendom:
QUOTE “Her growth to her present numerical proportions should not be surprising, for it was foretold by Jesus Christ himself. In the midst of a series of prophetic illustrations or parables, he gave pictures drawn from everyday life to foretell Christendom's growth. For example, He said: "The kingdom of the heavens is like a mustard grain, which a man took and planted in his field; which is, in fact, the tiniest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the largest of the vegetables and becomes a tree, so that the birds of heaven come and find lodging among its branches."-Matthew 13:31, 32” In this parable, Jesus Christ was referring to "the kingdom of the heavens" with its counterfeit in mind."
Well, Im blowed. I always thought that parable was about Christs Kingdom. Still Freddie knows best. Freddie knows that Jesus didn’t mean what he said, When Jesus said “The Kingdom of heaven” he was actually talking about the opposite, and meant “The Counterfeit Kingdom of heaven”. Not only does Fred know what Jesus actually Meant, he also knows WHO planted this mustard seed :
QUOTE “So Jesus Christ well knew that true Christianity, "the kingdom of the heavens," was not to become a figurative "tree," on the branches of which the birds could lodge or under which they could find ample shadow. In the earlier parable on the four types of soil upon which the fine seed, picturing the "word of the kingdom," is sown, Jesus brought birds into the picture. Whom did he explain those "birds" to be like? "The wicked one," "the Devil." That is to say, the earthly agents of the wicked Devil….. Reasonably, then, birds mentioned in the same context, in the same series of parables, would picture similar things. So the birds that find lodging in the mustard tree would picture the agents of the "wicked one,"
So Satan the Devil planted the mustard seed. Not only this, but by what can only be divine inspiration Freddie knows exactly WHO was used of Satan to plant it, and WHEN :
QUOTE "Outstandingly in the fourth century C.E. Satan the Devil planted or specially cultivated this symbolic "mustard grain" of contaminated, adulterated, imitation Christianity. He did so by then using a man who became the leading politician of the Roman Empire, namely, Constantine the Great. In 312 C.E."
And… HOW and WHERE it was planted:
QUOTE "As Pontifex Maximus, Emperor Constantine acted as if he were the visible head of the Christian Church and called a council of so-called "bishops," the presiding overseers of congregations of professed Christians, at Nicea, Asia Minor, in 325 C.E. At that Council the Pontifex Maximus Constantine settled the episcopal wrangling over who and what God is by taking the trinitarian side and decreeing that God is a triune God, a God in three indivisible persons, namely, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit."
Freddie, thru a direct link to the Divine Mind, thus clearly sees exactly what the “mustard tree” IS:
QUOTE "To this day the unscriptural doctrine of the "Trinity" is the fundamental doctrine of the sectarian churches of Christendom. To this trinitarian mustard "tree" all the trinitarian "birds" flock to roost thereon."
The symbolic “mustard tree” is the doctrine of the trinity, and the figurative roosting “birds” are the priests of Christendom cawing and crowingf this false doctrine to the eternal doom of their flocks.
“Trinitarian Mustard Tree”??? Jeezuusss.