My argument was never that he didn't have his followers best interests in his heart. I never even implied that. Jesus' motives was not any part of my argument.
: Which is, IN FACT , THE tiniest off ALL the seeds"
So, this begs the question, if Jesus said the mustard seed was the tiniest of ALL seeds, was it a FACT, or was it not? Is a FACT a FACT based upon the content of the audience, or is a fact a fact, despite the audience?
If you hate Jews (and of course, I'm not claiming you do) and I say to you, "it is a FACT that Jews are all cheats and liars," (when it is obvious they are not), is it ok for me to say that and claim a little hyperbole when challenged? If I claim to be the very own first-born son of GOD and say this, can I also excuse it away when caught by saying, "well, I was only using a little hyperbole." I don't think so.
: Now you yourself, meister, would well be aware that when Jesus Christ says "IN FACT" he does NOT mean that what he is saying is Factually accurate,
Bottom line: when Jesus says, "in FACT, he doesn't mean what he says." Yeah, I'll follow that guy anywhere with logic like that.
:...rather it is accurate within the parameters of the prebiases and degree of botanical knowledge of his listeners.
Yeah, but Jesus was the SON OF GOD and knew just about everything. You mean to tell me he couldn't have said the mustard seed was the "tiniest seed in this part of the earth," and therefore not lie about the true facts? Why not. He would have still made his point, would he have not?
: Not only this, but When Christ says ALL the seeds, again, he does not include the seeds of South American countries that his hearers have never heard of.
Right. That's because he didn't KNOW about the other seeds in the rest of the earth and Continents. Jesus was just another guy who claimed spiritual authority. When Satan took him up to the "highest mountain" so Jesus could see ALL the Kingdoms of the Earth, did Jesus say, "er, Satan, this planet is a sphere. I made it, you big dummy." No! Tell us all how Jesus could see ALL the kingdoms of the earth from any point ON the earth? Was this account figurative? Yes? Then Satan was also figurative, too. Do you see where this is all leading? Even if Jesus existed, this story would HAVE to be yet another parable.
: If he did that he might have to explain the geography of the world and reveal knowledge that it was not Gods " due time" to be revealed.This is, in fact, why he did what he did.
Yeah, right. For some strange reason, God doesn't want us to know that there are seeds in some other location smaller than the mustard seed. That makes perfect sense for God to withhold this knowledge. Sure it does. The gymnastics of Biblio-excusogetics has no bounds.
You know, that is my favorite argument of yours so far. Did you know that the Greeks and other Civilizations already KNEW the earth was a sphere when Isaiah said it was a "circle" some several hundred years before Jesus came about. Jesus came along several hundred years later, and if he knew anything about the Greeks, he not only knew the earth was a sphere, he knew that the mustard seed was not the smallest seed in the world. He WAS the Son of God(tm), you know. Would God have his only begotten son tell a lie to a crowd, no matter how benign that lie might be? If yes, explain your answer.
We have to go by what was actually SAID in the Bible, not by what we THINK they said or meant to say to satisfy crowds. This is especially true with the words of Jesus as recorded some 30-70 years after his death and in which NONE of the original documents have been found.
Bottom line:
a) Is the mustard seed in FACT the smallest of all the seeds on this earth? Yes or no.
b) Did Jesus say the mustard seed was in FACT the smallest of all seeds on this earth? Yes or no.
FACT: b) is true. It's in the Bible. FACT: a) is false this is a fact.
Therefore, Jesus lied (for whatever reason), and all the excuses cannot change that fact.
By the way, I duly respect the fact that you've stepped forward with some fine research and done the hard work to help inform people, Refiners Fire. I immensely respect you for the effort it takes. I know what kind of caring and effort it takes, and my hat is off to you, sir.