Back off will ya?!! Or at least try picking on someone else for a change...I actually happen to agree w/wednesday about people who serve being at least be able to communicate with you as the customer...I don't speak Laotian, Chineese, Vietnameee, any African language, and just enough Spanich to get me in trouble or slapped eheh... yesterday I went in to get a postal stamp from 7-11...well the poor soul (He looked Vietnameese probably just started and he couldn't get was I was asking for whatsoever...I asked about three times then just smiled and walked out...I went accross the street where the guy from Lebbanon knew exactly what I wanted and gladly sold me stamps...I actually like going there better cuz its his store and not another corporate tool...(I want to be my own corporate tool) eheheheh
I deal with it every day and lemme telll you sumpin...people who want to learn English and thrive here will, those that don't will keep serving you at thankless jobs all over the country...Almost all of my foreign students gladly take ESL classes (Notice: English As A Second Language) That's right...they learn the other language to make their learning experience easier, which includes interacting and being a part of our culture, and existence in our country better...Not only does it make their lives better/easier, but it makes MY JOB and existence easier. Or perhaps I should teach computer science in four languages at the same time... No instead of poking at wednesday like self righteous hyenas try looking into context and what she has to say...all that name calling about her being a racist is crap. She is a kind,intelligent person, who IMO has the right to be irritated or at least a bit frustrated. We all do sometimes and there is no need for calling her names like a bunch of school children...Save your vitriol for the trolls and the real racists, although we haven't had a iiriz around in a while so maybe you just couldn't hold back the drama...yawn.... Thank you, and you may now return to your regularly scheduled Apostacy..
District Overbeer