First, I want to say that I do not hate Wednesday. If I have any feeling for her, it is that of pity. She is an ignorant, un-educated fool. In many ways, she is the embodiment of one of America's biggest flaws - its myopic, ignorant and arrogant monolingualism. There are - of course - exceptions, but in general, the "track record" of Americans in learning foreign languages is disgracefully abysmal. And, by natural consequence, since Americans are so terrible at learning foreign languages, they never are able to come to even the most basic understanding or awareness of foreign cultures. As a result, many Americans are totally "tongue-tied" when it comes to speaking foreign languages. In fact, they are so ignorant that they are even tongue-tied when it comes to speaking their *own* English language, as is the case with our beloved Wednesday. And because they are so poor at speaking foreign languages, too many Americans are in essence alienated from the world, left to wallow in their ignorance like the fat, arrogant pigs they are. As a consequence, a vacuum of ignorance fills their minds. And, since nature abhors a vacuum, their minds are left to be filled by the lies and trash that they view on T.V.
But I digress a bit. My major qualm with Wednesday, simply put, is that she has absolutely no right to be at all critical of a non-English-speaking foreigner in the U.S. when she herself writes English like an utter cretin. In her previous posts, she writes "grammer" when she should spell it "grammar." She writes "workded" for "worked," and "privatley" when it should be "privately." And, it's not just her spelling. In a nutshell, an ignoramus has no right to expect anyhing from anyone.
And, to those who say: "This is America, and everyone should learn the only official language, which is English," I will respond by saying that this is precisely the problem!!!! America should not, cannot not, must not remain a monolingual society. Many people in various European and African nations speak three, four, or even more languages. In fact, people in most countries of the world put most Americans to shame when it comes to speaking other languages. Many of America's problems derive from the fact that it is a mono-lingual nation where basically only one language is spoken. Monolingualism contributes to ignorance and its accompanying arrogance and cultural chauvinism.