MeanMrMustard, Thanks man... I was home schooled and kept from a formal education and away from all those worldly kids like you who can sspppeelllll
Now can you fix Trump from clapping 12 times at his own SOTU address?
by ducatijoe 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
MeanMrMustard, Thanks man... I was home schooled and kept from a formal education and away from all those worldly kids like you who can sspppeelllll
Now can you fix Trump from clapping 12 times at his own SOTU address?
Wrong use of your.
@ducatijoe: You’re welcome.
I have no say in this. I am not American and don't live in America. (I'd like to visit though).
a new person to fill their heads with lies and control they way they think. In many ways this ts amazing to me.
To my way of thinking, this just sums up politicians and leaders on the whole, from any party. Worldwide.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a hell of a thing.
My wife (who has no political opinions) was disturbed at the attitude Pelosi and Company openly displayed towards the "office of the Presidency", saying they should repect the "position" even if not the man.
You mean in the way the GOP showed amazing respect for Obama? Like when a representative shouted out LIAR during his SOTU? Or how Trump showed respect saying that Obama was from Kenya? Or how most of the GOP did not come out and say that statement was crazy and that the many making was crazy? Or how they respected Obama by stealing a Supreme Court Seat? Or how the GOP declared their entire mission was to kill his whole agenda? Or the respect Palin gave saying the ACA was designed to kill our grandparents (death panels)?
Its good to review the 8 years prior to calling out UnFair.
You can dislike Obama, but he did not treat the office with contempt, or run it like it was his family business.
The #1 step they should do is send Nancy Pelosi out to pasture with Hillary and take Maxine Waters along, too.
On this point, I don't totally disagree with you.
Anybody but Hillary!! Yep. Don't forget immigration and cut taxes (and burden our children and grandchildren with a huge debt in the process)
Trump is the most un-presidential president ever, but he turned out to be the best demagogue. I still hold that his followers are like the followers of a cult leader; they see nothing wrong with their man. The religious right is quite hypocritical about supporting a man who cares little about the so called Christian values.
If I didn't know better, I'd say Trump was a polarizing figure.
Trump can be polarizing, but the most divisive crack in our country is identity politics being pushed into hyperdrive by leftists over the last few years. Everyone thinks Trump gave some rise to the other side of the identity political spectrum, the alt-right, but the alt-right is actually a cause and effect reaction to the incessant identity obsession of the left. Trump may be provocative, but the ugly face of white nationalism we can thank the socialist, dipsh*ttery of the left.
It's a natural process (not saying its right) & pushback that is inevitable when taking on this stupid Idea that people should be judged based on immutable characteristics, which is WRONG WRONG WRONG ALWAYS WRONG! White nationalists didn't start an uprising, this nonsense over the last few years spawned from BLM, womens marches with no purpose, and thinking that we should just open up the boards, it creating a polar effect that is not good. Identity politics is not right, the left fired the first shots, now the right has its idiots stepping up and it's going to be bad because they have a lot more guns.
The fight between this alt-left and alt right is not good for anyone, but it wasn't Trump, sorry kids. If you really want to take an objective look you will realize the uprising of this insane left that is anything but liberal and progressive anymore, has created the crack that Trump came out of, and the alt-right.
The politically correct, triggered, group over individual has screwed things up more than Trump could on his own, don't give him that much credit
Believe it or not, I'm essentially in agreement with your principal point - Trump's rise is a symptom, not a cause.