I'm so sorry for your pain. Yes you have been hurt badly and none of it should have happened.
how family members can treat you as if you were the abuser
Because you told. Incest was my family's dirty little secret and we kept it very quiet, until I had enough and I spoke out. Then I was treated like I was radioactive. What you need to understand is that in a dysfunctional family, oftentimes the burden of the family's pain (as well as their hopes and dreams) is often placed upon the best and brightest of the family. That would be you. You are the strongest member of your family, as well as the most courageous. But that's because you had to be when you were younger, wasn't it? Your siblings cannot face what you have faced, because they lack the inner strength, intelligence and most importantly the desire.
Your father gets sympathy from them because that is the course of least resistance. Again, the lack of inner strength and courage comes into play. It would cost them to be openly sympathetic with you; it doesn't cost them anything to be that with with your father.
How much longer do you have to bear this "burden?" I hope you seeing a counselor/psychologist. You have anger and sadness that is turned inward and that is only adding to your pain. I went through the same thing. All those messages my family told me (you're ugly; you're stupid; you're fat, etc. etc.) came into play after I told and I felt as if the weight of the world was on my very narrow shoulders. You have a great deal of emotional shit that's been dumped on you and you need to put it back where it came from. What you are feeling doesn't belong to you. I would imagine the trial was exhausting on many levels, but it was also a way for you to begin dumping that stuff back where it belongs.
Vicky, my heart aches for you. I know how it feels. But at some point you need to decide how much you are getting from your family versus how much you receive from them. If it costs you more to be around them then you need to consider very carefully how much of a relationship you want. In my case, the choice was clear. I changed my name, moved, got an unlisted phone number and haven't seen or spoken to my family in nearly 11 years. But that is a very personal decision.
As far as God, all I can say is you need to find your own way. I still believe in a God, and that belief includes an understanding for ALL a victim of abuse goes through. I believe my God was there when I was raped physically by my father and he was there again when I was raped spiritually by Jehovah's Witnesses. And still there is love and acceptance for who I am. That is what I believe, but as I say you need to come to terms with a Higher Power on your own.
Take care,