I don't know where this happened but as I recall, it was expressed at the time the elders were told to be more merciful and aware of extenuating circumstances. Of course, now, probably, such a urban legend would not be said, since the hard-line approach is back in......btw, do you know whether such an experience was expressed in your neck of the woods? I'm from the Northeast.
JW Urban Legends
by Azalo 102 Replies latest jw friends
I knew this thread would turn into a scream!
I know a sister who was told that a demon was stealing her missing clothes, like demons were interested in the odd sock or 2.
Did anyone catch this one:
Earth Wind & Fire (one of my fav funk/soul groups when I was a JW) announced from the platform at one of their gigs that anyone who is a JW should leave the concert since their presence was causing all the gear to go haywire? EWF were into the occult and satan worshippers (according to JWS)!
thats chupid
I still never threw my ewf albums out.
A few of the legends shared on this thread acctually appeared in WT magazines.
I heard that same EWF legend, except in this version it was John Denver and he just didnt like JW it wasnt about the equipment.
Azalo, I can confirm the John Denver story. Thats the version we got too....
Also heard one about George Bensen meeting all JW kids at the backstage area after his concerts....maybe this is true however???
I remember when I was a kid my mom told me about an experience where somehow the cartoon VOLTRON was actually based on the life of a demon named - you guessed it - VOLTRON. I'm not sure what the exact story was though.
In October, 2001, when I was still a (barely) active JW, a circuit overseer by the name of Bro. Dentler (can't remember his first name) announced off of stage at the Willow Grove, PA congregation that many many people had already received tainted blood as a result of the 9/11 attacks. It seemed like a blatant lie to me at the time, and in fact, he hesitated right before he said it. In hindsight, it was a blatant lie. I should have asked who his sources were...
I have a bag that tells me not to go into service - and we're getting married next month! (apologizes to the future Mrs. Czar)
There was one about a Bible study that had a picture of the crucifixion, with one onlooker staring out of the picture with eyes that would follow you around the room. The bible study cuts up the picture and puts it in a garbage bag. She leaves the room and hears a bang. She goes back into the kitchen and sees that the garbage bag is ripped open and there are two pieces of the picture on the floor - you guessed it, the eyes.
I heard that same EWF legend, except in this version it was John Denver and he just didnt like JW it wasnt about the equipment.
Add The Eurythmics to that list.
...and Mike Oldfield music; the local elders didn't like him because he looked 'stoned' in the pictures on his album!
On a serious note, one of the worst urban legends I heard, and still hear, is that 'blood doesn't transport oxygen until 24 hours after it's transfused anyway so emergency blood treatment is ineffective.' Most JWs still believe this even though it's completely untrue.
Minimus wrote:
do you know whether such an experience was expressed in your neck of the woods? I'm from the Northeast.
Honestly I never believed it in the first place, but I knew a man who said he was on the judicial committee of the woman raped by the dentist. He was always a bit of a flake though. He came from Oregon, but it MIGHT have happened when he was in California too, if in fact it really did happen.
Oh sure, the Dentist is really going to admit that. And since when do the elders pardon someone because they are sweet? Good one Minimus.