DIM, he's Fred Dentler. Served in my area for awhile too. His wife died about two years ago.
JW Urban Legends
by Azalo 102 Replies latest jw friends
Add The Eurythmics to that list
Yup, we had that one in our hall too.
What is more appalling is that the elders and parents were supposedly letting this guy get awawy with rape! As long as the facts could be ascertained for the good of the cong. and Jah's name.
this may be a repeat... but I also heard about John Denver... I was told at one of his concerts he asked all the members of JW's to stand (they did not knowing what he was going to do) When they stood up... he led his group into the National anthem.
From that point... needless to say... I wasn't allowed to sing "Sunshine" anymore
...don't forget this one...two sisters in field service. They come upon a house with a dog and cat sitting on the porch. The dog tells them that no one is coming to the door. The cat agrees and asks them to leave.
Tears were rolling down my face with laughter after reading some of these. Brought back so many memories of when I was a young teenager and heard many of these "experiences" at weekend sleepovers.
this may be a repeat... but I also heard about John Denver... I was told at one of his concerts he asked all the members of JW's to stand (they did not knowing what he was going to do) When they stood up... he led his group into the National anthem.
I heard this one many times. Could be true.
I heard another similar one about Don Ho. There was a big convention, part of an International tour, in Honolulu. Evidently Don Ho thought there might be dubs in the audience so asked them to stand. After several stood, he asked them to leave. After that story made the rounds, any witness going to Hawaii didn't see his show.
Many years later we had an elderly couple move to our cong. who had a son who worked for Don Ho, in Hawaii, and asked him about that. Turns out it was another urban legend. He said he actually liked to employ JW's and Mormons because they were reliable employees, and showed up for work. (evidently a big problem for employers in Hawaii..............if the surf is up, they may not show)
I've heard the John Denver rumor. Heard he opened his concert with the National Anthem and then said that all JWs can leave.
Mike Oldfield's album Tubular Bells got me in trouble. It was that music that was used in "The Exorcist". I didn't know at the time. I heard it on the radio, liked it, bought the album. Found it later that it was used in the movie. I didn't care. I had not seen the movie so it didn't mean anything to me. But others who knew I had the album let it be known how "weak" I was for owning it.
Minimus, I don't mean to call you a liar, but I have trouble believing the dentist story. Even if the elders didn't care not to report it, how could this sister or her parents(if a minor) not be incensed and call the cops. If she was a minor and the elders didn't report, isn't that illegal? Sorry, but this just doesn't ring true.
undercover, don't ya understand what an urban legend is? check out the preceding comments from oregon.
Here's one from an elder's school. A young sweet sister got pregnant. She knew not how. A judicial committee was formed. She denied EVER having sexual relations with anyone. The elders felt that obviously, she was lying. But one elder was still bothered. He couldn't believe this sweet young sister could be a fornicator. So he decided to retrace all her steps, especially from the time that must have gotten pregnant. After talking to her father and her mother, they all realized that one day, the daughter went to the DENTIST. He put her to sleep and must have raped her. They decided to approach the dentist with their suspicion and the promise that if he admitted to this act, they would not report him, but they really needed to know. The dentist admitted the dirty deed and the young girl was spared disfellowshipping.......The moral of the story? Elders should be sure that a person is guilty before being disfellowshipped, especially if the person strongly denies it......TRUE STORY!!!
Ok at the end of your post you say, "TRUE STORY!!!"
I guess I thought that you were saying that this was a true story. I guess was confused. Sorry
One of the public talk outlines had this one, so a lot of people have heard it.
A man who spoke an obscure dialect from a remote area in China happened upon a [Pentecostal-like] church where they spoke in tongues. After listening he was astonished to understand the language and realized that language was the most "vile of the vile."
I remember the many blood scares (chocolate, albumen, juicy blood-red rare steak ) and lots of angel protection stories.
We also had a curious pattern to war, earthquake, flood, typhoon, hurricane stories -- that Jehovah was always protecting the lives and usually even the KH property. Then in the late 60's it was only the lives of JWs, not necessarily their property. Then after the war in Lebanon, I remember one CO specifically stating that Jehovah's protection won't necessarily be there in times of war. I remember my father (elder) reiterating the updated theory in his own words: "Jehovah will protect us in natural disasters, but not during man-made disasters, like war."
Now, it reminds me of the first chapter of Judges where Jehovah couldn't protect his people because the enemy had weapons of iron.