Some sad news

by jukief 44 Replies latest members private

  • jukief

    Some of you might remember Alan Feuerbacher (alanf), who was a prolific poster here over the years. I’m sad to report that Alan died Monday. He spent many years of life researching and writing about the JW religion and helped many people make their exits. Although he wasn’t as active in recent years, right up until his death he was still writing exposes of Watchtower. He had a lot of friends in this community, and I know that you would like to know. We are going to set up a site where people can post their memories, and I’ll share that information here when I have it.

    Julie Feuerbacher

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I'm sorry for your loss. RIP Alan

  • NonCoinCollector

    I am so sorry to hear this. Alan was instrumental to my leaving Watchtower. The 90 minute phone call he had with me about 1975 was exactly what I needed in 2000. In many ways I considered him a mentor. Words can't describe how much this saddens me.

  • slimboyfat

    Julie I’m very sorry to hear about Alan Feuerbacher, he was certainly a giant among exJWs and well remembered. Take care of yourself 🥀

  • JeffT
    My condolences on your loss. Alan was part of many discussions I had on this board.
  • Lee Marsh
    Lee Marsh

    I am so sorry for your loss. Alan was an important pioneer in the exJW community. He will be remembered

  • Lee Marsh
  • usualusername1


    He helped me enormously.

  • Gorb

    Sorry for this loss.

    A lot of love from Holland.


  • nicolaou

    So sorry for your loss. Alan was a terrific researcher and explainer and helped so many of us.

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