Good for you Joe,
I check in periodically, post rarely.
Probably the only reason I still do is because my now 81 year old mom is still a JW, though I think her appetite for it has waned. She uses "old age" as a reason to stop going to conventions and less in person meeting attendance.
Yet, she still cuts her own yard with a gas push mower, and it's not a tiny yard. She helps older ones in her congregation who are 20 years younger and physically less able. So, just an excuse, or JW is just a social connection since she is now widowed and alone in rural Alabama?
Anyway, I miss talking to some of you, though we may chat on FB, and I just haven't connected your IRL name with your JWD screen name. LOL
I've been out since Summer 2007, and PIMO since end of 2006, so I don't personally care what the Gibbering Buddy thinks or does, except as it affects my mom. Once she is gone, maybe I move on too. I have nothing new JW related to add as I did as a questioning elder back then.
Good luck to you Joe
Snakes (of the "Increasingly Irrelevant Class"