Recorded history (Historical narrative in written form) should not be confused with the history of writing (Language in written form) which goes back to the Neolithic period.
Noah’s flood
by dothemath 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
Half banana
There is no chance that Noah's flood took place.
Like much of the Bible, it absolutely has to be a myth. Only in myth can impossible things happen like a global flood within the last four thousand four hundred years.
There is however plenty of evidence that a global flood did not take place!
The Biblical flood took place during the historic period yet no written record of it exists -- the BIble's account is not history and no documentary writing corroborates it. There are lots of flood myths but no history! The continuous record of literate civilisations such as the Egyptian, show that they carried on right through the Biblical flood time as if nothing happened, therefore nothing did happen!
Fundamentalist religious people seem reluctant to consider the earth-science data, the efforts of countless thousands of researchers, which show very good continuous readings of climate, plant and animal activity in the last 11,700 years of the Holocene period. No global flood interrupted the annual lake deposits, no flood destroyed the polar ice-core sediment layers, no flood destroyed the plant life, no flood killed or changed the locations of animal or more obviously, human populations. An example: the people of Papua New-Guinea have been cultivating the same vegetable gardens continuously for eight thousand years!
It is tiresome to argue with people who have chosen to deny the evidence.
of course Noas global flood happened but not in the sense imagined by JW and other literalist fundamentalist. ANE prophets had their peculiar writing styles
Apparently the giant sequoia is the most hardy life on the planet and this article mentions Noah's flood....
Just because the JWs get their information wrong... it doesn't mean they got the information wrong that you think they did. This article neither proves nor disproves their premise... but it does seem to imply that a giant sequoia could potentially, under the right circumstances live through a great flood. Look down to the bottom where the summary is. It would have to have been young, but as you stated it would have been... young for a giant sequoia.
Interesting info about sequoias. Maybe a better reference would be the pyramids, I remember Splane reasoning how they can’t be dated correctly.
Even if he was right, imagine how many centuries would have to pass until a civilization like that could develop?
Half banana
The article on redwoods is out of date, inaccurate and misleading. It is just as unscientific as Splane's ramblings. If you want scientific information go to scientists and their data, not religious writers who cannot conceive of a world outside of their Biblical faith.
One can add dendrochronology to the list of evidences for disproving a global flood. The creationist in the redwood article foolishly implies that sequoia trees took a beating 3200 years ago as if this is some sort of proof. Dendrochronology works by building up a year by year climate analysis from myriads of overlapping tree ring records of from the last 11,000 years -- and no global flood event anomaly shows up.
When considering any serious information it is necessary to determine the integrity of the writer and their intent. Creationists happily deny factual evidence.
As for Noah's flood, if you cannot distinguish between what is a myth and what is factual, you have a lot of growing up to do.
SeaB - Why are there marine fossils at high altitudes?
Your first clue is the word 'tectonics'.
do the math;
Awake 22nd Jan 1986,
Ancient Air
''What was the air like 4,600 years ago? That is what scientists are hoping to discover when they penetrate an underground chamber on the southwest side of the Great Pyramid of Giza.''
What was the air like 244 years before Noah's flood?
I remember Splane reasoning how they can’t be dated correctly.
Spence argues that they can be dated to +/- 5 years based on astronomical orientation. (i.e. The north/south alignment follows the earth's precession.)
Even if she's off by 10 times this amount, the pyramids at Giza where still there well before JW's and kindred groups believe the flood happened.
Two years later
Awake 8th March 1988,
Second Boat Found
The second underground chamber near the Great Pyramid of Giza has now been penetrated and viewed through a small camera. As expected, it contained another funerary boat for the “soul” of Pharaoh Cheops. However, the researchers’ goal of recovering a sample of trapped ancient air, to find out what it was like before increased burning of fossil fuels, appears to have been thwarted. “It is unlikely that the air in the pit remained unchanged for 4,600 years,” said research scientist Pieter Tans, who took a whiff of it. “The limestone was extremely soft and porous, indicating that there might not be much ancient air in the pit.”