JW's revelling in their online statistic...

by The Fall Guy 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    ...that their web site is the most translated in the world.


    So what? Do JW's genuinely believe that statistics prove divine backing? You can fool some of the people some of the time...
    There are lies, damned lies, and statistics!

  • stillin

    As the saying goes, " the figures don't lie, but liars can figure."

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    How about they areNOT the top bible translator or distributor?

  • Vidiot
    The Fall Guy - "...Do JWs genuinely believe that statistics prove divine backing?"

    Didn't you know?

    Everything proves that the WTS has divine backing.

    Even stuff that contradicts the other stuff.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Yes and according to today's WT that results in 230 BS requests a day. Yes I said BS.

    That number seems pathetic to me. 83,950 per year. That would include all sorts of none serious, phantom or prank requests and of course one a small percentage of those starting a study would get to baptism. I think I would have kept that little bit of info to myself.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Wikipedia has the second most translated website in the world and as such (by JW logic) means it also must be backed by god (but not quite as much as they are).

    If they were truly concerned with reaching everyone before the end comes, they'd broadcast their message on local television stations daily via satellite around the world. Instead they focus on spending their money on luxurious resort like accommodations for themselves and on developing properties.

  • hoser

    Jehovah confused the languages at the Tower of Babel. Now he has to work extra hard to fix his fuck up.

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    Another proof of divine favour.

    Watchtower organization has the world's largest fleet of magazine carts.

  • suavojr
  • WTWizard

    And what about the bible itself, that book that had to be translated so everyone on the whole planet can be cursed? I think the basic King James bible is at least as translated in as many languages as the washtowel--that is, unless someone had the time to waste translating washtowel rubbish into obscure languages. Again, so the maximum number of people can be cursed on this earth.

    About the only good thing about this is that I can download the rubbish in a language that the hounders are not likely to understand, print the rags in that language, and switch out their English or Spanish version for that language. They might be proud of being able to place their littera-trash in Greenlandic, but can they navigate it if I start praying, commenting, preaching, or taking part in a meeting in German when they do not understand a word of it because I was able to print the parts off in that language?

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