To give credit where credits due ,come on lets face it ,it is a commendable achievement from a worldly point of view.
Not that it really means anything
.No more than what it meant years ago when the JW/WT religion could boast that the Watchtower magazine was the most widely distributed magazine in the whole world .
Even claiming that if you put the WT and Awake end to end they would reach the moon and back.
Or that the most distributed books in the world over a period of time ,the JW religion had about 5 or 6 out of the 10 most distributed books worldwide .
The Guiness book Of records
This was from a worldly source . and not from JW`s.
"The truth That leads To Everlasting Life " was the top of the list of JW books distributed .And i think "Paradise lost To Paradise Regained" was another one if I remember correctly.
Anybody here remember that ?
What did that all mean ? Jackshit , that`s what it meant it doesn`t mean anything.