how do you feel re homosexuality?
by nowisee 155 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Umm, I'd rather stick pins in my eyes?
Englishman, you didn't really address the question. It wasn't, 'would you engage in homosexuality?'
I see nothing wrong with it personally. Since, I no longer use religion as my basis for my thoughts or actions, I no longer see homosexuality as bad because the Bible says it is. I think that if someone doesn't find sexual pleasure with someone of the opposite sex, then it's okay to have sex with a consenting adult of their own sex.
no problem with it as long as they leave me out of it.
Oh thanks stinky! I was about to say "It's very nice of you to offer, but no thank you."
There have been many posts about this subject before and one thing that concerns me about many ex-JWs is that they still have that dub-trained homophobic crap still in their heads, it's very sad that some people won't live and let live.
I think that homosexuality is the result of some sort of error in DNA replication, or in the formation of some part of the brain. I know that homosexuals don't care for that kind of idea, but something has to explain the phenomena, and that's my idea.
What's interesting to me about that explanation is that the homosexual person is in no way responsible for whatever it is that results in their sexual preferences. Given that to be the case, then all those scriptures that describe God as being highly offended by the practice paint a picture of God that really is unfair, unforgiving, unjust, unethical and immoral. It always is immoral to hold someone at fault for something they cannot help. You might as well subject someone to the fires of hell for being blonde.
And that's my two cents.
Hey, to each his own, but biologically, it is very puzzling and repulsive, IMHO. Biblically, it is banned, though some try to suggest otherwise, this is just not the case......Politically, It should be treated as a lifestyle, not a right or privilege, IMHO.
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The DNA a connection could be easily be debatable as junk science......see past posts on this topic for information.
""What's interesting to me about that explanation is that the homosexual person is in no way responsible for whatever it is that results in their sexual preferences""
A true sign of the times. Lack of responsibility for their actions. Some like to make love to animals, is there a DNA connection to justify that? When do we say enough is enough? Some like to kill and rape, it that ok? The lack of responsibility and the resistance to a dely of gratification shows what the world has sunk to.
I believe homosexuality is genetic. And I have no problem with it whatsoever. Why should I?
Yes, the Bible denounces homosexuality. It also stresses that women should be ostracized during menstruation. So do you go around asking women if they are menstruating? No, because it's none of your business and neither is another's sexuality.
The fact that we even have to discuss this is ridiculous.
I don't totally agree that homosexuality is necessarily a genetic "error". Statistically, the probability of a homosexual male having been abused as child (by a male) is much, much higher than straight males. In other words, I think that abuse too often has something to add to the equation (for gay males, at least). Maybe a genetic "error" predisposes some towards homosexuality, just like certain genes predispose some people to alcoholism. Of course this is just my opinion and I haven't done very much research in this area.