With all due respect, you do go around and around a lot, IMHO. (Tactically, not a bad thing!) I gave my two cents as plainly as possible, without offence. I did not start out by stating that "YOU ARE" this and "YOU ARE" whatever. Please re read my first three posts to this topic.
I did not say...stick a needle in my eye, or anything inflammatory. Claims were made, and I questioned the reasons supporting the claim (not the person, or agenda or IQ, only the reasons given. See the difference? But why do people get so mad when questing the reasons? Read the book!).
At any rate, to your question: This comment was the result of a "side bar" topic that came along as a claim. I agree with Dr. Peck that we have built a culture of victims that feel they have no choice regarding the path they are on. A lot of problems, sexual and nonsexual in nature, can be rooted in the dely of gratification that Dr. Peck discusses.. That is the only claim I am making, as a side bar to the main topic that went to a "I can’t help it" attitude. I provided a poll taken twenty years ago that showed most Homosexuals believe it is a choice. Nowadays, most Homosexuals believe it is DNA related. What changed? Why? (The "genetic theory" regarding homosexuals has been around for about ninety years, so we cannot claim this is new information) The article provided some reasons why. Is there only one choice to any problem? If you say yes, then we part company. To offer only one or two choices when more can be considered, is to offer a false choice.
Religiously, I make no claim as I have no proof that the Bible is correct just because the Bible says so. This would be a faith issue that the Bible is correct or authoritative.
Hey, I only wanted you to get the book so as to have a buddy to bounce off terms and to see how people reason, It is really fun, and the book provides all the rules for spotting fallacies and why and what can be done to get to the point, or make your point. For this forum, it is a blast to use!
I hope you still get it! If there is a $$ problem, then I will send it as a gift. It is that good in what you and I lke to do...debate! (Or, to put it another way, to explore every side of a matter in a civilized way and to "spot" smoke when it come along!)