This is what I always wonder with parents that are like this to their own children:
When the father is lying on his death bed, will he wonder why none of his family is there to comfort him?
Will he be saddened by the fact that no one cares enough about him to see him during his last hours of life?
Will he be deep in thought as to WHY no one cares about him?
Will he then realize what an asshole he has been his entire life?
Will he realize that it is now 'HIS fault' that he is on his death bed and alone with no one to sympathise?
Will he realize the errors of his ways?
Will he then beg forgiveness from God for his unloving actions?
Will he ask that his son or daughter come to be with him before he dies?
Will he beg forgiveness from his son/daughter?
Will the son/daughter forgive him and show him the love that was NEVER shown to them, giving them love and respect that they NEVER earned and have no right to and hold the father in their arms as he passes on?
Or will the son/daughter kneel down beside their dying father, take his hand in their's, look him in the eye and say, "You are only asking forgiveness to clear your conscience and to save face before God because you know that you WILL BE held accountable to God for shutting me out of your life and for having no natural affection or love of any kind. I have begged for a relationship with you for decades and each time you have treated me less than dirt. You have made no effort of any kind to show any love towards me whatsoever. You have, in effect, disowned me. And only now, as you lay here dying, do you see the error of your ways.
Now you know what it has been like for me all these years, as I lay dying inside as you shunned me and turned your back on me. THIS is how it feels. I want you to remember that this is all your fault now. You are now harvesting the fruit of your labor of hatred and I want you to take a big bite and savor the taste of it. I want you to think long and hard about the scriptures that talk about bearing false witness against another, about how Jesus would say to those like you, "Get away from me you workers of lawlessness. I never knew you," and about having natural love amonst each other.
This is the end result of all of your hard work. I hope it was worth it. You have turned your back on me long ago. Pray that God will have mercy on your own unforgiving soul because you will recieve none from me."
And then turn around and walk away, leaving them to die alone, as alone as the son/daughter has been for the last 20 years.
I think about things like this alot and it makes me very glad to know that I am very close to my mother and step father and how they have always been there for me and shown me the greatest love and respect anyone could ever hope for. And I would be there for them any time they needed me, especially when it comes for their time to leave this earth.