Fortunetly I can honestly say is does go away, or rather it fades. I lost all my family except my parents who left with me, and it was soooo unbelievably devastating. Not only the loss of family and friends, but of my beliefs and everything I had known. I know your going through this and it feels like you can just die from the pain, and sometimes you think that would just be easier.
The next few years are going to be very tough. You will feel the depths of your emotions as you try and get your head around a new set of beliefs and a totally knew way of life. It will also be one of the richest experiences and journeys that you will have. Sometimes it takes the bad to appreciate the good. You will gain a whole knew awareness about who you are, what true friends are and how to actually communicate and interact with people in the real world, not some fantasy land where your forced to hang out with people you can't stand.
The road is bumpy sometimes your just soo relived to be free of the borg and other times your at the depths of depression crying and looking through a photo album. But that's ok, don't hold the tears back, learn from them and grow. Leaving the borg and being shunned is horrible and you have to grieve that, so don't deny it, don't say ohh it doesn't bother me, don't act like it never happened. FEEL IT, live it, and work through it so you can someday soon put it behind you.
And if you do have a moment where you stop and think back and get a lil misty, don't think of it as a relapse. Those people where a part of your life and have helped make you who you are today. But try not to dwell on it too much, or live in the past more then you have to. Sometimes that's easier because we don't know where the hell we are now. But you will, you'll find yourself, and your place and be able to think about family and friends with a smile and think back on the good times, and then go on with your life.
This is a new journey your on, a new chapter in your life with completely different characters, and let me tell you there are some 'real characters' around here if you give em the chance. Just give yourself time, and know that you are not alone!!!!!
Best Wishes,