The UN and armageddon

by mattnoel 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • mattnoel

    Can anyone help ? I need some reassurance here !

    I spoke to my aunt the other day who has been out of the borg for about 20 years now. She told me that she is really worried about world events and feels that this is it now, the UN is going to crumble and then armageddon is going to come. She sounded really worried and not her normal self, was talking about cashing in stuff and enjoying the money and things like that.

    I know I dont believe their crap but I am a bit worried after that conversation ? I seem to remember them saying something about the UN failing and armageddon coming ! can anyone quash these fears ?


  • czarofmischief

    They ACTUALLY said that the UN would destroy organized religion within one generation of 1914, sparking the beginning of the Great Tribulation.

    This has not happened, has not come close to happening, and bluntly will not happen. They've changed the generation thing because it just doesn't hold water. Who knows what else they'll change?


  • Shutterbug

    Everytime there is some sort of crises in the world the Witnesses read more into it than they should. I can remember when the Chinese joined the UN, it was read as a sign the end was very near. That was thirty some years ago. Sadly, people will die in this up coming war but I hardly think it will bring on the big A. Bug

  • Erich


  • Erich


  • blackout

    Well my Aunt has been out way longer and she says there is no hope of Armagedon coming and it is more likely that the planets will line up and a giant tidal wave will wipe out 90% of the earth.

    Moral of the story?

    Dont always trust your Aunt!

  • Erich

    If your aunt is really a JW, WHY is she worried about?

    I dont understand at all. Bible tells: "But as these things start to occur, raise yourselves errect and lift your hands up, because your deliverance is getting near." (Luke 21:28)

  • m0nk3y

    I really wouldnt be concerned dude, and tell your aunt to stop selling her stuff and spending up big unless she wants to die poor and of hungry instead of old age as it should be.

    The prophecies that the WTS have written about for like 100 years have never come true so what makes you think that they will all of a sudden be right ? And they do say that the UN will turn and put a stop to false religion (which if you think about it most of the countries that make up the UN are from highly religious countries, they arnt going to stamp themselves out) and then turn on the Witnesses and then the UN will be stamped out by the governments and cry over it and blah blah blah blah blah end will come ... It aint coming !!

    Relax dude and enjoy your life.

    Josh aka m0nk3y

  • ISP

    I wouldn't be worried about the WTS. In fact they are so far from the truth, I would be even cheered by the fact they say the end is coming! (because of their 100% failure rate)

    Dont forget, the did not prophesy the most significant event of recent times, ie Sept 11, at the same time the scriptures pin pointed the earth shattering events of cedar point Ohio in the early 1900s...(yawn).

    Times of crisis are always around the corner. If she wants to sell her stocks etc. its upto her, but I try and take a long term view. she doesn't live in Bagdad does she? otherwise I would suggest selling!


  • dmouse

    Why are we surprised when wars and other crises happen? It's all part of the rich tapestry of human existence.

    There will be NO fulfillment of WBTS prophecies of doom, any more than the prophecies of Nostradamus were fulfilled.

    World events are controlled by people, not unseen spirit forces. There is no deeper meaning behind current events other than 'shit happens'

    In a year's time the world will have moved on to another, entirely different, crisis and JWs will be saying that THAT is the precurser to whatever. They live in a constant cycle of anticipation and disappointment, anticipation and disappointment...

    Well, I've got off that particular merry-go-round and I suggest you do too. Now just get yourself an ice-cream, relax, and let others get themselves dizzy if they want to.

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