I was reading in the Religion page of the newspaper today that the Mormons are enjoying romance novels in which descriptions of the characters' sex lives are limited to little more the first kiss--- that could happen after they are engaged to be married........Any ideas of what a JW romance novel might be like?
What Would A Jehovah's Witness Romance Novel Be Like?
by minimus 162 Replies latest jw friends
The heroine would be comparing suitors according to the size of his service bag and service report.
The suitors would be more interested in how many bible studies the intended has and making sure she doesn't know the definition of "orgasm".
Just for starters.
Love, Scully
Oh! The meeting times spent together!! The times going out in service together, and daring to take doors ALONE TOGETHER! Sitting together at an assembly, setting all the gossiping in motion!
And going out in groups together on Saturday night, after underlining answers for the Sunday Watchtower lesson together!!
Life doesn't get ANY better!
We met on a warm summers day at a convention in Ohio, she looked cute in her long ankle length skirt and the lace ribbon that wrapped around her Poller neck sweater looked striking....the rest is history and our unedited story can be found in the book "Jehovahs Witnesses in The Divine Purpose"
A witness romance novel?
Heres the index:
Chap 1. Is kissing for christians?
Chap 2. A godly view of sex and marriage
Chap 3. Oral sex..... or a life of eternity!
Chap 4. Integrity keepers and sex - do they go hand in hand?
The Brother has an intense loving yet bizarre relationship with Jehovah.
The Sister has an intense loving yet bizarre relationship with Jehovah.
Everybody dies.
The END.
Roflmao @ gumby & Razor!
It would be dreadful.
Oh, and on their wedding night, just before retiring to bed to do "the nasty"....
the new family head would get down on his knees
and pray with his new submissive wife
that their marital relations would be honourable and fitting
to be seen by those who had already achieved the heavenly hope.
This is all Bible Based TM .
Love, Scully