JWlite like being a Trekkie. You know it’s fictional

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • TonusOH

    It's kind of the reverse. I would wager that most Star Trek fans shun the ultra-hard-core gatekeeper types who insist on sucking all of the fun out of the fandom. They have no real power or influence, just some scar tissue from all the wedgies they experienced in high school.*

    *Hmmm, maybe they do have something in common with the GB...

  • Teddnzo

    These new changes make it even easier to stay JWlite.

    All of Lloyd Evans and similar books are now out of date about the difference between soft fade and hard fade.

    now there is no more fade, you don’t have to be shunned at all. The worst that could happen is you get DF’ed for 90days but JWs still talk to you

    its just like a Trekkie who doesn’t really like Star Trek anymore but just wants to go to the gatherings and have the social aspect

  • TonusOH

    Doesn't that make it easier to walk away?

  • NotFormer

    ExBethelitenowPIMA: "Even in the Trekkie world there are some who are no longer strong in the faith. They are just not as interested as they used to be. So I hear"

    After the new light handed down by Discovery and Picard, I knew I could never comfortably identify with Trek anymore.

    I wish whoever owned Trek's IP at the time had allowed Axanar to happen. 😿

  • peacefulpete

    And when the congregation announces a member has been disfellowshipped, will you join in the shunning and share in the abusive treatment to keep up appearances?

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA
    And when the congregation announces a member has been disfellowshipped, will you join in the shunning and share in the abusive treatment to keep up appearances?

    That is old light Pete? Now they are encouraged to reach out to Trekkies who have left and ask them to come back. And if old Trekkies do come back to a meeting they are encouraged to go say how pleased you are that they are back.

    Trekkies who no longer have an interest in Star Trek May like the old ways better. This new Star Trek is unrecognisable to what got them interested in the first place.

    But they have some nice memories and many good friends who are Trekkies so they pretend to go along with it just for the social aspect

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Here is my situation that may be a help to others who are confused.

    I was brought up as a JW and went to MTS school and served in London Bethel in shipping Dept many years then I was a driver in transport department. I slowly woke up over a decade or longer, then the CV19 Vax mandate was the final staw.

    I now knew for certain in my mind that the GB are not who they claim to be.

    using Star Trek as an example I used to be a zealous Trekkie. Now I just have fond memories of all the things I did as a zealous Trekkie but now I just don’t like Star Trek as much.

    But I still like the people and I love all the social aspects that Star Trek (JWs) use as an excuse to get together.

    Most social clubs have a common interest that starts it all off. Even if that common interest no longer holds any weight it’s the people getting together is what many still like.

    I’m agnostic as to if God exists but I still have hope in the Bibles promises and this helps me. I’m certain the GB have got most things wrong perhaps everything.

    But living by the Bible and studying it is very beneficial even if it is just another book written by men. Have some hope in the Bibles promises is better than having no hope.

    Staying physically in and mentally agnostic is the path I have chosen. PIMA and staying JWlite which means not really doing anything but not actually leaving altogether.

    I hope this helps others who may be going through a huge mental crisis when they genuinely believed in the past but now are having doubts about the GB. Or even past doubts and like me they know for certain that the GB are not who they claim to be. They are charlatans.

    It should not be something that puts you into a depression. Instead start to accept that we just don’t know the answers to life’s largest questions but that is OK. You can still have hope in the Bibles promises even if we don’t understand it all.

    Be comfortable and happy, be content in accepting that we don’t have all the answers and neither does any else. The future is an interesting place and as to what happens after death, well nobody can take away your hope from the Bible even if it may not be true it’s better to have that hope than none at all.

  • peacefulpete
    You say you woke up, I say you are still dreaming.
  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    In what way Pete?

    I know there is a feeling that everyone has to leave and be physical out, I don’t agree and I think Star Trek is a great way to explain this.

    A former Trekkie who doesn’t like Star Trek anymore but still goes to the conventions and meet up just for the social aspect.

    there is nothing wrong with this. But other Trekkies who left altogether say they hate Star Trek and everyone else should hate it as well.

    let’s agree to disagree

  • peacefulpete

    You must understand millions of people thought they could/would be able to emotionally and psychologically go on as you are. You either find yourself compromised ethically or eventually re-lose yourself.

    Then again, if someone is a JW in their outlook and values but has been simply offended by current leadership, I can see such a person loosely clinging to the group awaiting change they hope to see. That wasn't me or many here.

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