JWlite like being a Trekkie. You know it’s fictional

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Teddnzo
    You must understand millions of people thought they could/would be able to emotionally and psychologically go on as you are.

    I would argue that Billions of people are loosely in a religious belief that is not a very big part of their life and they are probably agnostic if they stopped to think about it.

    This does not present any significant problems emotionally and psychologically and they go on as PIMO or PIMA JWs do

  • Rivergang

    With one important difference - Trekkies don’t require one to throw their lives away in refusing a blood transfusion during a time of serious illness or injury.

  • Teddnzo
    With one important difference - Trekkies don’t require one to throw their lives away in refusing a blood transfusion during a time of serious illness or injury.

    That’s the point, most PIMA’s wouldn’t refuse blood if it really was going to save their lives.

    I also like the red pill analogy in the Matrix. The one guy wishes he didn’t take the red pill and would have preferred to take the blue pill.

    many used to be PIMI which is the blue pill and then they wake up to the fact that the GB are not who they claim to be which is taking the red pill.

    they go through conflict and confusion as to what to believe now? Does God exist? If so is the Bible his word? They look back on the years on being blue pilled and think they were happier

  • Teddnzo

    I like many others have been trying for years now to take the red pill but be agnostic (PIMA) so all the benefits of taking the blue pill? Maybe there is a God or maybe that is not the truth, we just don’t know.

    but if there is, then keep one foot in the door.

    I’m well past confused I’ve got to the acceptance stage.

    I think the best option for me is stay physically in the congregation as it’s such a full life, so many good friends and gatherings. Just like a Trekkie who doesn’t like Star Trek anymore but likes the friends and convention's, so pretend to still like star treck.

    I actually think there are many many JWs like me, if not the majority these days actually. It didn’t used to be this way, it used to be most fully convinced but not anymore.

    I can tell talking to old friends that they don’t really believe in JW theology, well not convinced of it. But it would be nice if it’s true and there is a possibility of that of parts of it at least.

    But for now, if I left I would be missing out on all the association that I’ve got used to a couple of time per week.

    It’s across much better being PIMA, no stress. I go to ministry groups but never go door to door anymore. Not many do come to think of it. We just go to the park or shopping then back for coffee break and catch up on all the goings on.

  • Mikejw
    It’s a social club at this point and for the older Witnesses there just coasting, that’s fine for them.

    It’s a social club for everyone these days. The young ones only stay for the friends in the cong.

    we are all just coasting even the elders it’s easy being JWlite! You could turn upto any meeting and give any part with zero preparation. It’s all just videos and q&a!

    its been compared to being a Trekkie or similar

    you may not like Star Trek anymore but still go to events to see the people you have known for years.

    you know Star Trek is fictional but its nice fictional and maybe some tiny parts may have a even tinier slithering of a resemblance of truth in the future

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