I tell you what, why dont we all go and protest against Saddam for his treatment of the Iraqi people???
Can someone tell me why we dont have any anti-Saddam protests???
by songmistress 47 Replies latest jw friends
I tell you what, why dont we all go and protest against Saddam for his treatment of the Iraqi people???
Can someone tell me why we dont have any anti-Saddam protests???
Cuz they dislike thier own president more?
Nosense wants a level playing field. OK so that means we get to use WMD on whoever we want? Or do they have the right to a millitary that was built on a real economy and not one that sold oil to build palaces for one person?..Shall we mention the opression of the Kurds? Ah maybe not...Saddam needs to go not for us, but for the people of Iraq. It is far from that simple, but if you want to talk about what is better for humanity as a whole, killing Saddam and those who stand for his tyrrany is not a bad thing. As far as the JW's being good pacifists ask my grandfather how he was treated when he came home by the JWs...he was a conscientious objector who became an ambulance driver so his family wouldn't starve while he was in prison...upon his returrn home they treated him very badly, mostly over his choice of dress (He liked his combat boots)...he eventually told them to piss off and never come calling again...Yeah they had their hearts in the right place.....just like the Malawi/Mexico debacle...they talk good talk and have no walk to back it up...all bullshit just like Nosense..
District Overbeer
My father was in prison for being a conscientious objector. He was a hastily baptized jw at the time. He was very disturbed by the prison experience and was treated shabby by the JWS in prison ,and after he got out was treated as an apostate. He never got over it. His real feeling was -he would have served his country had it not been for jws. It was something he forever regreted.
During the 60's i sang all the peace songs and agreed with the anti war crowd. But i also had visions of sugar plum fairys dancing in my head too.-b/c i believed that the whole world would someday live in peace.(brought to u courtesy of JWS) It is a pipe dream then and now. People have died for the freedom i now enjoy and i wish i could have seen that earlier.
Now i have great respect for those who layed down their lives so we can enjoy the freedoms we have. Now i am not pro war-but pro reality.
And New Sense,
u really need to get a new hobby . Spell checking is so boring. And quit stalking me. this will be my only response to u.
Can I be your replacement stalker???
Wedn,Can I be your replacement stalker???
well, what did u have in mind Crazy? I like your posts crazy, at least u do not think u are Microsoft Word 2000 weds
I was thinking maybe some extra-help stalking that could perhaps lead to some part-time work. Im not ready for any full-time stalking commitment. I just got out of a long term stalking relationship and needless to say my heart still needs time to heal
open to listen.
Wednesday-- The vietnam war did nothing to preserve freedom and democracy in the USA.In fact peoples rights to life liberty and persuit of happiness within the US were being wrongfully abused by the government.When they started the draft and treated people that were against the war as communist sympathizers . The US constitution states that the armed forces may be used to preserve and protect the republic in case of foreign attempts to overthrow and may not be used as a mercenary militia. The whole UN situation is just an excuse to keep american tax money going to the military .The US is to blame for the problems in the middle east by it's constant manipulation of their leaders in order to keep a hold on the oil .IMO Be that as it may ,it looks like there is going to be another attempt to over throw the Iraqui government and we are looking at a huge chunk of change being thrown around . I think the US government should be looking at ways to make life easier for the american people rather than getting us further in debt by playing a game called Risk . I don't know if you ever played this game but it is a game about placing armies over a board that looks like a world map and of course the idea is to rule the world thru military conquest. Really a pretty good game if you have all night to play it .
foreign attempts to overthrow
key words. We do have that now.
yes i have played risk, it is fun. my hubby, is vevy good at it, often playing for hours at time. Tempers can flare!
I was young during Nam era, but i was there. I still feel ashamed so many did not support the troops.I am sorry i was mixed up with a religion that taught me not to support my country.
I hear what u are saying about Nam,(whether it was a war we should have been in anyhow), but those men are in my age group and i feel loyality to them.
I know the USA is not totally innocent in this mess we now have in the middle east, but they have not set out to slaughter humans the way S.H. has.
We are all so on edge, maybe it is not too late to pray for peace.