Rules u r correct
2021...what do you foresee?
by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends
Pete Zahut
We'll be told by the media that everything is wonderful, while people are harassed more and wars are started.
We'll be told by the media and by JW's who both focus on and prosper from the relatively few who are causing disruption and who feed their narrative; that the world is falling apart. People will look around them and see life going on as usual until they go to meetings or turn on their TVs. By the end of Biden's term, as with all past Presidents we'll only hear from those who despise him as well as Miss Thing and on it goes....NEXT !!
I expect many things we take for granted to be gone as soon as Biden, and especially Komodo Dragon Harris, take control. We will all be going around with masks on at all times, including in our own homes while alone. You will need permission to briefly take off your mask (such as when putting food or drink, or drugs, into your mouth, brushing your teeth, washing or shaving your face, or changing your dirty mask for a fresh one). Coronavirus vaccines will be mandatory every time a "new" strain comes along.
At the same time, we will be seeing many things we take for granted outlawed. The Internet will become like today's cable TV where Google will be the only ones allowed to post content (yes, Google). Shopping will be limited to walmart--they will shut down all other businesses (including Amazon). Your merchandise will all be from China and designed to break within a couple of months, and you will be responsible for the pollution it generates. And the racial situation will be like South Africa, much worse--immigrants will be coming in from all sides to ruin the whole country while the white people will be paying with forced labor and much higher taxes.
Recreation will also be outlawed. I hope you enjoyed Christmas 2020 because it will be the last legal one once Komodo Dragon bans it. Most of the entertainment you are used to will be gone. Radio will be boasting sessions about Komodo Dragon Harris, as well as your TV shows. Even such as weather forecasts will be gone. And don't even think of streaming videos for entertainment--Google will post all videos on YouTube, no alternate tech will be allowed to survive, and even Netflix, as bad as it is, will be gone or forced to play only propaganda for Komodo Dragon.
And you will own nothing. Your work will be to help all those parasites coming in from other countries. They will demand your home, and you will be legally required to surrender. You will be evicted from apartments simply because someone from South America wants in, even if you can't be evicted for non-payment. All your stuff will be appropriated and given to these migrants that want only to ruin everything.
As for this forum and similar ones, as the forum is Canadian, it will probably still be around. It's just that Komodo Dragon will probably block it, along with any other news coming from outside this new communist regime, just as North Korea does today. This will severely limit sources for researching cults such as the jokehovians, and people will once again have to rely on cult littera-trash for information without ready access to the information. And, once again door to door work will be the primary way to spread the cancer--which will not be touched, despite token persecution.
road to nowhere
$5+ gasoline, rolling blackouts, brownshirts, a duty to retreat even if you have a ( unregistered) weapon. ( redistributing wealth but not from the really wealthy)
In the US you should learn enough Spanish to get by. In Europe Arabic.
If the extreme predictions about the vaccines are true abortions will decline.
This is UScentric, but Canada, Australia, NZ, Europe, S America are well along the same path or ahead. China is a leader.
We are seeing social engineering already with the goal of having the average person live an above average life🤔. Maybe bitcoin will be the new world currency.
stan livedeath
arent you lot little rays of sunshine!
This year I see a gradual return to normal human social behavior pre virus without the restrictions and fear of that virus to be concerned and worried about.
While probably disappointing people who are in a end of the world religious cult.
(No names mentioned)
I wonder if Joe Biden will last 4 years.
$5+ gasoline, rolling blackouts, brownshirts, a duty to retreat even if you have a (unregistered) weapon. (redistributing wealth but not from the really wealthy) .........In the US you should learn enough Spanish to get by.
Yes. Biden is signing 18 Executive Orders today after his inauguration (though it's doubtful he has idea what they say or mean).
Stop Keystone Pipeline ($5 gas is coming)
Join Paris Climate Accord (Doubling of your electric bill is coming) along with "brownouts" (but not just in CA)
Halt to deportations and immigration reform (Lots of new Democrat voters) and Repeal of the ban on immigrants from (dangerous) Muslim Nations (lots of new hate crime) and you should likely learn some Arabic too.
We will be told that we are more racist than ever, evidenced by the fact that we don’t think we’re racist.
And the fix for the obvious racism will be policies that enforce real racism.
One year closer to Armageddon