What secrets would you like to share with us, that you are keeping inside of you for so long?
Tell us your secrets
by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends
Shhh...Don't tell, but I am a Red Wings fan...LOL Oh okay I am terrified of mice! Spooky little bastards! ~Aztec
When I was 16, I made a double of my father's keys for his car, and I drove his car when he was gone to bed at night. I had no driver's license, nothing.
Don't tell him
Okay I won't..Mum's the word! ;) I took my mom's car one night and drove to my then boyfriends house. It was an hour away and I got lost! EEPS! She still doesn't know... ~Aztec
I have this inward compulsion of burying alive.....people who want to know my secrets
Nathan Natas
I don't want to talk about it.
Big Tex
I know who really killed Kennedy.
Ok, but promise you'll be gentle with me??
I can't go to the theater and watch a movie without a big bag of popcorn, a large diet coke, and...and...(oh god, i'm so ashamed!) ... CANDY! Sometimes, I even force my kids to go with me so that people will think I'm buying the candy for them
Oh alas and alack! Woe is me....
When I was 16 .. in the midst of my running away thing... was home for a short while. I didnt have a license but likes to play around in the car. One day, I back it out of the garage, not knowing I scraped the car the whole way down one side on the old wood stove sitting there..... a big gash all the way back. When I saw it, I put the car back and didnt say shit.
That night at dinner, my elder step dad is pissing and moaning to mom, bitching her out for being so GD stupid. She took it, assuming she did it. I just kept my mouth shut.
Funny tho... a few months later, she totals the same car.... in a parking lot... backed into a cement post. He tells her how bad of a driver she is, and shoulda known from when she scratched the car in the garage.... hahahaha
Guest 77
animal, you let your mom take the blame?
Guest 77