Hell ya.... the elder didnt beat her senseless (that I know of)
by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends
Hell ya.... the elder didnt beat her senseless (that I know of)
That's for me to know and you to find out. neyank
i'm shit scared of gumby
I see dead people. . . .
I was helped to get into a Meet and Greet to see Meat Loaf.. I got his autograph and my pic taken with him. It was a invitation only type thing. if anyone had known, well, i wouldn't have those pics of him and me. this was farily recent too-so i'm an old groupie. I also dream about him, sometimes. he is just the nicest guy. did u know he is from Dallas?
Does this sound like mid life crisis? Hope not, i'm having way too much fun. .
I once killed a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass.
I almost once bonked someone.....
If I tell it wouldn't be a secret now, would it?
I broke into a bank when I was 13 with my best friend was 14, also a skinny little teenie-bopper JW girl.
No really I did...I can e-mail the story to interested parties.
i snuck into a movie with jo. i'm going to hell