search ; you did quite well, you never let him out of the box. that is what i was talking about . he was in his heels the whole time. if he wants to talk more i would tell him that you will talk to him and him alone. you gave the questions , he is a top guy , and you will only talk one on one . funny how he said read only wt from were you have fun get out a few new wt were they are glorifing say 1919 or `1914 or the 22 convention . and press the issue . igve a few old wt false teachings from the time and ask was that worship acceptable to jehovah . and if the new wt mag talks about the old books etc why can't i read and quote them. is the wt hiding something. do you have a problem if i test what the wt teaches today about their past. you got him in hot water, from what you already said. keep up the great work and don't let them intimadate you. john