I've never heard of this motion paradox. I've been reading a book titled The Whole Shebang by Timothy Ferris. It's all about the big bang, relativity, quantum physics, time and space, the nature of matter, etc. Much of what I have read so far has blown my mind and has me totally reconsidering whether there is any such thing as an objective reality.
The paradox is as follows - Let's say you shoot an arrow at a bullseye. If your aim is true and the force used is sufficient, of course you know from experience that the arrow will hit the target. But, according to a mechanistic (i.e. traditional physics) perspective, the arrow should never reach its target, the whole concept of motion creates an absurd paradox.
The reason why the arrow should never actually reach its target? Now read this carefully and think about it. It must take a certain amount of time for the arrow to get halfway to the target. At that point in its flight, another halfway point is created, the halfway point between the first halfway point and the target. Are you with me so far? For the arrow to reach this second halfway point it must take another increment of time. When it reaches this point, yet another halfway point is created, which again must take at least some amount of time to traverse. And on and on and on. The distance from the arrow to the target can be halved an infinite amount of times, and the arrow must take some, however small, amount of time to traverse each distance. So technically, it should never reach its target! Motion cannot be fully explained by current physical models.
FREAKY! Einstein couldn't explain this, nor can anyone else.
Are we all just figments of God's imagination? Is our physical world a collective illusion?