I remember my mom kept insisting that I would only get married to either an elder or a regular pioneer, or both. People would tell me that I should only marry a brother who loves Jehovah more than me. Do you know what I said to that, well in my mind at least, Bull $hit. I decided whoever I was going to be with was going to love me more than anything else, well except for maybe his own mother. Anyways, I always made a point to do things that would put most JW males off, and I did it on purpose because I was not going to be someone's footstool. I got enough of that crap from my dad who was never a JW, but still a controlling abusive prick.
Eventually, I did meet my husband at the end of kingdom hall build, and no I was not looking for a brother either. At the time I was with the building crew as a regular member of the electrical crew. Little did I know at the time, my future husband had no interest in the world of the Watchtower (he was also raised up in it).
They would say that we were supposed to have chaperones, but no one ever wanted to play the part, so we dated without any. We knew how to bend the rules without getting into trouble. The funny part was after we have been married for a little over a year, a sister saw us doing stuff (making out). She said she was going to report me to the elders and I would have to face a judicial committee. I looked at her and told her straight to her face FAT CHANCE, and held up my hand with my wedding ring on it. Never had any elder come talk to me.