I always wanted to be a bell-ringer at Christmas time. One year at try-outs in grade 5, I was chosen to be one, because I could read music. I had to tell the teacher that I "couldn't" do it, because it was Christmas related. I've never forgotten that.
Even more sad is what happened to my brother. In Grade 8 track and field, he came in First Place for every event he entered: hi-jump, long-jump, shotput, discus, 100 yard dash, 200 yard dash and 500 yard dash. In fact, he was so fast that he did the hundred yard dash in something like 11.5 seconds and he won a special trophy for that. The coach really wanted him to start training more and told him that him doing the hundred yard dash that fast, with no training at all was incredible and that he had alot of potential to become a professional athlete.
And guess what happened? Yep, the elders told my parents that he couldn NOT do anything like that, because he'd be at school after-hours with WORLDLY people, and why would he want to do something as horrible as become a professional athlete? Didn't they know where we were in the stream of time? Armageddon was coming! You wouldn't want to waste your time doing something "worldly" now would you?
What total assholes. My brother left the Borg anyway, but what a lousy thing to have happen with someone with that kind of potential.