If You Criticize A Person of Color Are You A Racist?

by minimus 144 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    REDVIP2000- Your statement, " If a person tells a foreigner that he should go back to his country...... " ?? Really ?

    These 4 congresswomen are NOT foreigners my friend. They are American citizens ! So yes, it's racist, prejudice rhetoric. And yes, it's also outrageous, stupid, and very exaggerated on Trump's part.

    MINIMUS- Oh come on. Trump is exaggerating and lying about these 4 congresswomen, and you know it . Have you ever thought Minimus there might be a reason people are railing against Trump and his presidency ? Ever considered that they might have legitimate complaints ?

    Look if you use your reasoning , then like you stated, all the folks living here that didn't like Obama and his presidency should have just left the country during 2008 to 2016, right ? If that's whats expected of Democrats by the Republicans to leave the country if we aren't happy, then shouldn't that same demand have been made and expected of Republicans too during the Obama years ?

    If Obama had acted as racist and spreading hate around during his presidency like Trump is doing now- you Republicans would be clamoring for his impeachment definitely. Personally, I think it's a set of double standards by many Trump supporters.

    Oh and by the way, no I won't " shush ", I love our Democracy and I'm here for the long haul. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • minimus

    Trump didn’t disparage the country , just the politicians.

  • flipper

    Disparaging the politicians IS disparaging the country, because these particular politicians are standing up for the disenfranchised citizens who are victims of Trumps entire plan of dividing people of America in half based on gender, race, economic status, and how much citizens have invested in Wall street.

    The only people Trump wants to make great again is his 35 % base of supporters who want to call him " King " Trump, not President Trump. He's a president for them, not the rest of American citizens. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • minimus

    Flipper, Obama did act racist. The difference between Republicans now and then, is that under this President, people are less afraid to call out someone’s opinions simply because they are of color. Whether you are white black or any color, if what you say is bogus, you’ll be called out on it. Of course liberals will still cry racism and that’s never going to change... or everybody hates women, white men , transsexuals, homosexuals... etc.

  • minimus

    Hey Flipper, do YOU think Trump supporters are all racists too? You know , that 35%?

  • ThomasCovenant

    ''If you rail against the country’s direction, go where you will be happier. If not , then shush.''

    Yes, I tried that. It didn't go down too well.

    I said ''If you you rail against Guatemalas's direction, go to the the USA where you will be happier. If not, then shush.''

    ''If you you rail against Mexico's direction, go to the the USA where you will be happier. If not, then shush.''

    ''If you you rail against Hong Kong's direction, go to the the USA where you will be happier. If not, then shush.''

  • minimus

    GIt’s fine if Guatemalans legally apply to get into the country. Same for Mexicans and Chinese. Once you get here, become good citizens. Be grateful that you are in this country with all its benefits. Now if it turns out you’re not happy here, leave and stop complaining about it. Just shush.

  • ThomasCovenant

    My mistake. I didn't realize you were specifically talking about railing against the USA.

    I took it that your advice was that, if you express disapproval of the country of your birth, for whatever reason, then your options are either leave that country, for example North Vietnam, or stop expressing your disapproval of that country.

    I'm guessing there wouldn't be much change that way.

  • minimus

    If you choose to go to any country and you simply rail against it all the time, leave. Or maybe the country you originally left wasn’t so bad after all.

  • ThomasCovenant

    'If you choose to go to any country and you simply rail against it all the time, leave.''

    Fair point, if you choose to move/emigrate to a country and then rail against it all the time.

    Is that what you meant by your earlier comment, ''If you rail against the country’s direction, go where you will be happier. If not , then shush.''

    I'm just clarifying if you feel feel the same way about it if you were born in a country (as opposed to moving to it) that you rail against its direction?

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