Yesterday's Public Talk: '' Reject Worldly Fantasies, Pursue Kingdom Realities''

by RULES & REGULATIONS 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    My brother ( an elder ) calls me every time he's assigned a Public Talk. He believes listening to Zoom meetings is a great start, to eventually attending in-person meetings.

    The talk is titled : '' Reject Worldly Fantasies, Pursue Kingdom Realities.'' Already, I'm turned off by the word ''worldly.'' I married an unbeliever 30 years ago and always hated that ''weasel'' word.

    There are at least 20 members on the Zoom meeting with their cameras turned off. Several members (with their cameras turned on) are dozing off. ( It's only 10: a.m.??? )

    The talk is about the dangers of ''Worldly Fantasies'' such as reading books and magazines, watching television, watching and attending sporting events. The only pursuits should be Kingdom Realities... attending meetings, reading the Bible and Preaching the Good News.

    A photo of beautiful Niagara Falls was shown. Beauty has its own danger. The ''Falls'' have multiple DANGER signs if you get too close to the edge. Pursuing ''Worldly Fantasies'' is even more dangerous. You will loose your life if you don't pursue Jehovah.

    How anyone can sit through these Public Talks is beyond me!

  • Halcon
    The talk is about the dangers of ''Worldly Fantasies'' such as reading books and magazines, watching television, watching and attending sporting events. The only pursuits should be Kingdom Realities... attending meetings, reading the Bible and Preaching the Good News.

    This sounds like something out of the 80s. I'm not at all surprised people were falling asleep to this. I would say 99% of JWs know there's nothing wrong with sports or books. I can understand pointing out to specifics like books on spiritism and tarot, or maybe sports dealing with animal cruelty. But the days of legitimately condemning football and boxing, reading, are firmly in the past.

  • littlerockguy

    OMG, They are still recycling that garbage talk? I've been out of the org for about 25 years and I remember this talk given that long ago.


  • slimboyfat

    Hold on to the real life!

  • TonusOH

    "Worldy fantasies"? Like making billions in real-estate sales?

  • LongHairGal


    I DO remember this back when I was a believer. Might have been at the convention.

    Those were the days when I was younger and felt bad that I wasn’t accepted like all the pioneers! ..If only I would quit that full-time job I had and join the ranks of house cleaners and full time ministers! No worries about the future or retirement.. I would be ecstatic and on a spiritual ‘high’…. Then I would be invited to all those dinners and secret gatherings..I would have older people in the hall with cushy lives telling me how ‘blessed’ I am.🙄

    Well…none of this was to be.. I just could not bring myself to quit that full-time job..and boy am I Thankful today that I did what I did.

  • ScenicViewer

    "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" - a small book published in 1920.

    Whose 'fantasy' was that?

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    I'm so glad that I no longer have to sit though that self-indulgent, virtue signaling twaddle.

    Looking back, my life was a misery.


  • KerryKing

    The last public talk I listened to the speaker stated that the covid vaccine was comparable to Jesus ransom sacrifice, and those who rejected the vaccine are like those who reject Jesus.

    I logged off immediately never to go back!

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    It's a wonder they didn't choke on those words, That's all they do is sell worldly fantasies that appeal to the flesh. Nothing about becoming justified (declared righteous) before God. Nothing about being adopted into God's family.

    It's all about the things in this world you're gonna get if you stick with Watchtower, and not what you've been forgiven.... which is the Christian message.

    Their FOMO message is: come get your big timber frame house on a lake next to self-tending vinyards and enjoy the view next to a waterfall. Pure fleshly fantasy. Nothing about relationship with God. It is sooo Satanic.

    Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

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