Yesterday's Public Talk: '' Reject Worldly Fantasies, Pursue Kingdom Realities''

by RULES & REGULATIONS 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Touchofgrey

    Its manipulation and coercive control over the people in attendance, that worldly people are bad associations and any information that is not approved by the org should be avoided, because they know that jws will then question what they have been told. And discover that they have been lied too .

    All religions gaslight there believers that they are the only true religion and they should believe the fantasies that they promotes as true. They don't want them to do independent research into the bible and find out that the bible is the uninspired word of man.

  • Gorb

    One of the reliefs when we faded for good is the end of being confronted with all this nonsense. What a wast of energy it was. It made me feel between ship and wall.

    Now feeling better then ever. Whay a psychical abuse it was. What a fake wisdom in the sect.

    I'm still standing better then I ever did! Looking like a true surviver!


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    The religions dont want their members(victims) to research and develop critical thinking skills.

    Then realize they're not unique,, have been lied to and gaslighted.

  • Halcon
    All religions gaslight there believers that they are the only true religion and they should believe the fantasies that they promotes as true. They don't want them to do independent research into the bible and find out that the bible is the uninspired word of man.

    I don't think this is true. Most Christian religions emphasize simply accepting Christ to be saved. The denomination seems to be of less importance.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    Nails it

  • blondie

    Recycling talks! The WTS is recycling study WTs now.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Recycling stuff.

    The same old propaganda over and over all the time.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Reject wordly fantasies. Pursue kingdumb interests.

    Put the demands of the Borg,,ahead of your own needs.

  • Praotes1914

    Sorry, this is a little off-topic, but I don’t know how to start a new discussion. But I’m really being bothered by

    XJW grift. I’ve been going around and looking at all the XJW websites that are attempting to monetize the cult. It’s kind of sick when you think about it. I mean I’m not against people having a subscription that’s a dollar or five dollars but a $10 a month subscription like on panda tower on Patreon. Come on! What’s up with that? I mean the watchtower Society has a point. Some of these channels are playing right into the narrative of the watchtower society and what they say about apostates.

    That they care more about money than people. don’t get me wrong. I think time is our most valuable possession and if you have more money, you have more time to do what you want, but if you have too much money, it ruins you too!Think about it.

  • Journeyman
    It's all about the things in this world you're gonna get if you stick with Watchtower, and not what you've been forgiven.... which is the Christian message.

    On this I agree with you, SeaBreeze. It's something I've noticed in the Org in the past couple of decades. The emphasis is increasingly on the material benefits - a restored planet, a nice home to live in, fresh food, no sickness, no disability, no death, seeing dead loved ones again. Those are all well and good, and it's true the Bible promises those things, but the real emphasis is on restoring the spiritual relationship between God and mankind, and the subject that even the GB used to speak about (but has largely vanished from discussions of the future these days) restoring God's rightful rule over the earth and that old phrase "vindicating his sovereignty".

    Dwelling on the physical promises has increasingly pushed out focusing on the much bigger spiritual blessings.

    I have no problem in principle with the title "Reject Worldly Fantasies, Pursue Kingdom Realities", in fact from a Biblical Christian perspective, that is a very wise statement - but the way it is translated from the outline in most cases is in very mundane or simplistic ways, slanted to suit the GB, like the examples given. For example: "Enjoying too much entertainment, working too many hours or investing in get-rich-quick schemes = bad, doing more for the Org like pioneering or applying to Bethel = good"

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