Divine Victory International Assembly

by Elsewhere 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Here's an odd item on ebay:



    Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society / International Bible Students Association

    Nice colourful name card from the Divine Victory International Assembly of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Name written neatly on it.

  • MegaDude

    I STILL remember my mother thinking they had timed the "Divine Victory" (heavy emphasis on DIVINE) assembly to coincide with Armageddon. Sheesh. Thanks for the memories...NOT.

  • Prisca

    I clicked on the link and got this message:

    eBay logoHome, My eBay, Site Map, Sign In/Out
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    Invalid Item

    The item you requested ( ) is invalid, still pending, or no longer in our database. Please check the number and try again. If this message persists, the item has either not started and is not yet available for viewing, or has expired and is no longer available.

    Has it been withdrawn from sale?

    Was the "Divine Victory" Int'l Assembly the one that was held in 1978? If so, that's the one where the "My Book of Bible Stories" was released.

  • ozziepost

    Interesting title that, wasn't it, "Divine Victory"? So, who's victory were they talking about? Wasn't it Jehovah's? Yet in Revelation it speaks of Jesus as leading the heavenly forces in the war against Satan's world. Interesting. Perhaps they will have to admit that Jesus is divine!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • unclebruce

    1972 Prisca (prerdy sure)

  • Elsewhere

    Strange, I tried to fix it... I even edited the HTML for the HREF address, but the editor keeps changing the & into "&"

    Try to cut and paste the address into a browser.

  • onacruse

    UB, your memory is slipping 1973. Ah, how I remember the anticipation that this assembly was like a pre-announcement to the world that it only had 2 years left! The following quote pretty much sums up the frenzy into which many of us got:

    *** km 2/73 6 Branch Letter ***It is true that much good work is being done in the field ministry, and many brothers and sisters are pouring themselves out in Jehovah’s service. We appreciate all that is being done. But it is good for us to analyze what we ourselves are doing in the field service. If we personally were doing more last year than this year, why? Are we doing all that we can? Can we buy out more time for this urgent work? As congregations, can we stimulate greater zeal for the field ministry? Can more go into pioneer service? The time left in which to share in field service activity is limited. Now is the time to give it our earnest attention.

    Soon we will be gathering for the “Divine Victory” International Assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses. We eagerly anticipate it. But let’s remember that it is by increased activity in the field service now that we can aid more to gather with us then, to Jehovah’s praise.

    We pray that Jehovah’s blessing will be with all of you as you keep in mind our service theme for February: “Do not beg off from industriousness down to the end.”

    Your brothers,



  • Prisca

    The card got sold, for 50 English p!

  • ozziepost

    And nowadays the Borg denies all the talk of 1975!!!!!!!!!!! And there are still R&F who believe them. How blind they are!

    We pray that Jehovah’s blessing will be with all of you as you keep in mind our service theme for February: “Do not beg off from industriousness down to the end.”

    Can you imagine how exhausted the R&F would now be if they'd continued at this pace for the thirty years since 1973!!!!!!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Sentinel

    ............and I was there....still hanging on by my little finger..just in case 1975 was the year. Still full of guilt and fear, never doing enough; struggling with my head and my heart, and with logic and reason, ...and "their way". It took me eight more years to finally leave for good.

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