Where do they teach you to talk like this?
Do you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God ?
by smiddy3 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
There is something very special about life, consciousness, even (or particularly) for scientists. so
a book that claims to deal with the issues of life, and being penned and proof read by the creator, might inspire awe, particularly with J Bach playing in the background.
Out of ~50 000 verses it is not surprising that ~ 5 are scientifically correct. perhaps.
They did not care about science, they cared about their covenant with God. It is a modern American heresy that some want to prove the Bible to unbelievers by it containing teachings valued and in play much later in time, such as scientific ideas about origin of lions, snakes etc. It is heretical to consider the Holy Bible a textbook on microbes
“Humble believer” , “faith” , translates to the slavish mindset of the followers of gullible cult supporters. The Catholic Church was the first “Christian”cult - till they altered their teachings in the 19th and 20th centuries but remain dogmatic till today-followed by a host of others with newbies like the Mormons, Amish, Scientologist, JW’s etc. on the other side are the Islamist- the word Islam means “submission to Allah”, which is just another way of saying believe what Mohammed told you to believe. Faith is mindless laziness of the many who think that the human mind is incapable of comprehending the secrets of the universe. And the answer to what is yet to be learned is blind faith to a made up diety-theChristian god is borrowed from the 70 sons of El viz: YHVH and the miracles attributed to Jesus viz: Virgin birth, raising the dead,curing the sick, etc borrowed from Egyptian and Mesopotamian myths- propagated by faith based idiotic propagandists like JoenB75 . If you have evidence to offer in support of your” faith “ then do so or else take your “faith” based beliefs to a forum where they encourage believers like you. I recommend JW. Org. They will embrace yu to expound your deep knowledge on the subject with joy and fanfare.
On this forum all you are doing is making an ass of yourself.
They did not care about science, they cared about their covenant with God.JB 75, if that is the case, the case is closed, the relevance of the bible died with those writers 1000 of years ago.
The fulfillment of these promises is supposed to happen now? when we know how big and majestic the universe is and we are supposed to believe the "god" creator walked in the garden in the afternoon?
Good thing the snake was not a python.
If you are a robot 🤖, the Bible is of no use. The topic is salvation of souls. There was an early covenant relation symbolised by Adam and Eve. I think the serpent was an awesome snake like a green mamba ☺️
Blessings from the Faith based idiotic propagandist 🤭
The bible was inspired by men who needed answers to what they saw and experienced in the world in which they lived , they had to endure through their own ignorance.
Stories were told to create power and relevance to their own specific god (YHWH)
Over time this god wasn't enough for centuries these people had prophesied a Messianic savior god, so the Jesus god was eventually created to help with their everyday perils and problems, a lot of people to this day still believe in this god.
The Bible is “true” from a certain point of view. Jordan Peterson has some interesting comments about the Bible. The problem we have now is that certain groups have become possessed by an ideology which is based on accepting the Bible as the literal/inerrant word of “God.”
What ancient mythology is subjectively not true ?
They were all true to someone at one time, they all had a certain relation and meaning to the humans who imagined them.