I am an atheist, so no I do not believe any book is the word of gog.
Do you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God ?
by smiddy3 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
Interesting OP and the opening list of the number of books that different sects accept.
What would be significant to the true biblical student would be
1]-Who came up with the original list?
They would be the ones that promoted the bible as the word of God. And, they would be the authority on translating it too.right?
2]=Why did they come up with the bible?
As a guide to how to behave? A beginning and end all on everything Christian?
3]- How do we know what belongs and what does not belong in the bible.
With some 40k different sects of Christianity, how would you know that you have the correct number of books and the correct books? How do you know that your sect is correct? They tell you? Or maybe you have a special funny feeling?
Most of us take our authority based on what parents and pastors have told us and we often take that as the authority. Is there another way to find out the biggest question about the bible?
Martin Luther. Joe Smith, Pastor Russell, someone else who removed books that they didn't like or books that didn't fit their theology?
Surely, there is a legit source that formulated, propagated and protected the scripts through the centuries.
That would be the only authority in a sea of 10s of thousands of self proclaimed 'true religions'
Do you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God ?
As much as I believe the earth is flat!
My grand dad used to say Religion is the key to controlling people. Put the fear of god in man and they will do anything, even eat dirt !
So fear of god rules all who believe in him. (no offence to believers, )
I only believe in being a good human being, citizen of the world, live and let live!
One fact that one take from reading the bible is that the ancient Hebrews knew that they could use the fear of god to socially control and direct people in a manner which they thought would benefit that given society.. ie. the ten commandments
The Jesus god was created eventually by man upon that same principle, only more compassionate toward mankind's enduring perils and how humans should treat one another to gain a future occurring benefit individually..
Did anyone watch the referenced link on the topic '5 yrs. the halls will be gone' where Mike & Kim (Kim) links a video indicating Jehovah is NOT the god of Israel? Kind of interesting.