What does God eat ?

by stan livedeath 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Leathercrop
    Leathercrop, if we assume that something is eternal --that it has always existed-- then there is no start point. It exists forever into the past. If that seems incomprehensible, that's because it is. At least to us, anyway. I cannot comprehend it. The notion of there never being a starting point simply doesn't compute. And yet, here we are

    ah.. thanks for breaking that down Tonus. And yes, this is the type of stuff that often leads me to believe in God. Quantum physics, black holes, wormholes, mathematical infinities, dark matter... just some of the "realities" out there. What you described is similar to when physics theories start to fall apart, it's incomprehensible. These theories are so reliable we can send a ship into space and bring it back. Yet they do fall apart at the fringes. We don't have to go far, just the "hard" problem of how the animate can come from the inanimate alone, life from unliving matter is mindboggling. And yet, as you said, here we are.

  • peacefulpete

    I ran across another interesting passage in Joseph and Aseneth. The work is Jewish (100BCE-66CE), it is surprising to some (even researchers) in depicting the patriarch Joseph as an emanation/Great angel in human guise. Other writers of the later second Temple period also understood Moses, Aaron, Enoch and Melchizedek and others similarly. What is interesting in relation to this thread and the op question, is the honeycomb given by the angelic being to Aseneth at her conversion to Judaism.

    In this story Joseph is called the 'son of God', and the great angelic being that (spoilers) turns out to be Joseph offers Aseneth to be new by eating, "the bread of life and drink the cup of immortality",

    Joesph then feeds her hneycomb that miraculously appears in her room:

    4. And Aseneth went into her inner room and found a honeycomb lying on the table; and the comb was as white as snow and full of honey, and its smell was like the breath [2] of life. 5. And Aseneth took the comb and brought it to him; and the man said to her, "Why did you say, 'There is no honeycomb in my house?' And lo, you have brought me this." 6. And Aseneth said, My lord, I had no honeycomb in my house, but it happened just as you said: did it perchance come out of your mouth, for it smells like myrrh?" [3] 7. And the man stretched his hand out and placed it on her head and said, "You are blessed, Aseneth, for the indescribable things [4] of God [5] have been revealed to you; and blessed too are those who give their allegiance to the Lord [6] God in penitence, for they shall eat of this comb. 8. The bees of the Paradise of Delight [7] have made this honey, and the angels of God eat of it, and no one who eats of it shall ever die. 9. And the man stretched his right hand out and broke off a piece of the comb and ate it; and he put a piece of it [8] unto Aseneth's mouth. 10. And the man stretched his hand out and put his finger [9] on the edge of the comb that faced eastwards; and the path [10] of his finger became like blood. 11. And he stretched out his hand a second time and put his finger on the edge of the comb that faced northwards, and the path of his finger became like blood. 12. And Aseneth was standing on the left and watching everything the man was doing. 13. And bees came up from the cells of the comb, and they were white as snow, and their wings were irridescent -- purple and blue and gold; [11] and they had golden diadems on their heads and sharp-pointed strings. 14. And all the bees flew in circles round Aseneth, from her feet right up to her head; and yet more bees, [12] as big as queens, settled on Aseneth's lips. 15. And the man said to the bees, "Go, please, to your places." 16. And they all left Aseneth and fell to the ground, every one of them, [13] and died. 17. And the man said, "Get up now, and go to your place;" and they got up [14] and went, every one of them, to the court round Aseneth's tower.

    We clearly see the Hebrews shared divine associations with honey. The golden/yellow life-giving food was associated with solar deities from deep antiquity. The Samson (Son of the Sun) story features honey. The manna (food of the angels) taste like honey, the resurrected Jesus eats and offers honeycomb to his disciples and here Joseph the incarnate great angel makes explicit that angelic honeycomb gives immortality.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Makes sense, honey has healing/antibiotic properties and can preserve things for really long times, even thousands of years (practically infinity/forever for humans). Other cultures will have other plants and animals depending on availability - eg deer and rabbits frequently occur in Western European mythology because they procreate so fast, they are a practically infinite food source or pine trees in northern areas that don’t lose their needles and have healing properties.

  • JW_Rogue

    Some things are not for us to know, if God exists his nature and makeup are beyond human comprehension. If we say he is a creator God then he created all things from nothing. What exists outside of the things created then? We have no clue and no way of testing any hypothesis about it. If we say God is in everything throughout the entire universe from subatomic particles to black hoes, it is still entirely impossible to decipher the meaning of it all. Perhaps God doesn't wish to be known, worshipped, or even acknowledged. If he did he would make it much easier to do so.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    If we say God is in everything throughout the entire universe from subatomic particles to black hoes,
  • JW_Rogue

    LOL I'm a typo machine...it can't be edited now!

  • JW_Rogue

    You get the point...it's like everything, really LOL

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze


  • Balaamsass2

    In 1975...50 years ago I had it all figured out....because Watchtower told me so.

    But over the last 50 years I have learned "I don't know what I don't know".

    Watchtower told me child abuse didn't occur unless TWO witnesses saw it. So...where are the two witnesses for 90% of what I read in the bible?

    Who else heard or saw God speak to Abraham, Daniel, Moses, John, or Jesus?

    I have heard mental patients claim they hear gods voice. I choose to not believe them.

    Why should I believe the founder of Israel was directly chosen by god? Or that he saw a burning bush? I ignore mental patients and street people claims, should I go "all in" believing a bronze age goat herder who insisted he was chosen and god told him to sacrifice his son? Where were his "two witnesses"?

    I have weird dream once in a while...why should I believe the Apostle Johns were inspired? Did he have two witnesses?

    Do I have to have all the answers?

    Do I have to follow/worship a guru, an orange politician, or religious leaders/governing body who tell me god choose them? If so why?

  • Balaamsass2

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