Seen an Angel witnessing...

by Aleph 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Aleph

    Here in France we received instruction to stand back from the cart.

    So you can see "angels" witnessing with a cart by its own, no one around, and no one cares, i stayed a while, did my shopping, and half an hour later the "poor angel" was still there on his own...

    I guess wherever is the publisher, he s hard working counting his hours.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    In my area it was a common accurance to see the cart on the large suare each Saturday morning, ( weather permitting). This has now escalated and I see a cart, on both the large and smaller square on anyday that I venture in to town.

    In my opinion these carts could be a very successful way to witness. Why not carts in the park ? Why not carts in the main shopping centre? (which is outside the city centre) Why not a cart outside the train station?

    So my observation is that I don't feel the enthusiasm is their, it is simply done as a duty, In my opinion those standing by the cart get the sattisfaction of thinking themselfs zelouse witnesses as they stand away from the cart and contently talk amongst themselfs.

    But the simple fact is the carts are an excellent way to target, identify and educate people who have a spiritual interest. If the carts are not effective in my opinion it is an incitement on the organisations general desire to make it work.

    The Rebel

  • Fisherman

    "No one comes to me unless the Father draws him." "The kingdom of God is in your midsts." They couldn't even see him.... "...when the son of man is revealed.."

    But God is merciful "He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants all to repent." With God all things are possible. If you WANT it. But an enemy will not be given mercy.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Fisherman." But an enemy will not be given mercy"

    The Rebel: With respect that comment sounds a bit " Heil Hitler". Surely a merciful God would want reconciliation with an enemy?

    The Rebel.

  • Fisherman
    Bible says that fighters will not be shown mercy. After attacking God's people, they have shown to be God's enemies and having been given every every opportunity previously to support the kingdom they instead choose to kill God's friends, and when God comes to defend his friends, any enemy wielding weapon against God's friends will be exterminated. Good riddance to Amalek. It is a warning from God. If you choose to defy the warning, do not expect mercy. Mercy is extended now. Last chance.
  • Xanthippe
    If you choose to defy the warning, do not expect mercy. Mercy is extended now. Last chance.

    Mercy and compassion are personal qualities, they do not have time limits.

  • smiddy


    Welcome to the board , we look forward to hearing more from you and hearing your experiences ,of course not to divulge to much personal info. about yourself.

    You can learn a lot here and contribute a lot here without recrimination .Which you can`t do at a K.H..


  • Fisherman
    Mercy and compassion are personal qualities, they do not have time limits.

    Measure your philosophy with the Bible not with my posts.

  • Xanthippe
    Measure your philosophy with the Bible not with my posts.

    I measured my philosophy with the Bible over twenty years ago and I found the Bible wanting in compassion and mercy.

  • Xanthippe
    Welcome Aleph, good to have you with us from France.

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