Seen an Angel witnessing...
by Aleph 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If this is all about god drawing folks then door to door work and carts are useless. Folks would just show up, un-instigated in any human way, to christians and ask about Jesus. No time sheets, car groups, carts or invites to any event necessary. -
Bonjour!👋 -
Welcome Aleph ,
And if god doesn't want anyone to die then he should have sorted out it long ago. Every year that goes by and earth's population increases at about 1000 X the amount jw's increase.
That's more dying every day god holds off the big A.
Welcome Aleph.
Fisherman, your first comment. What is the context of it for the thread? I am missing the point here.
Freddo. I agree. I really don't believe in god anymore.....he just doesn't seem to be there....especially when I desperately needed him....and I really did believe in him at the time.
I get carried away and go off topic. I meant to say that JW do see the angels and Jesus invisible presence. JW can try to put put forth a lot of effort to try to help, but salvation does not depend on human efforts.
The Searcher
Welcome Aleph. Hope to hear your story soon. -
Time to adjust the dose on your meds. Your posts on this thread are more incoherent than usual.
Are you saying that the WT does not see the Christ's invisible presence and they do not not see the angels directing the preaching work? I think that you are going insane because I believe that they do. Besides that,THEY PUBLISH that you will be forced to see.