Witness my Fury - "Question: why isnt it sprayed on in a fraction of the time?"
Probably because there a lot fewer JW volunteers qualified to use the spraying equipment, but a shit-ton of 'em who can manage a paint roller.
by wifibandit 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Witness my Fury - "Question: why isnt it sprayed on in a fraction of the time?"
Probably because there a lot fewer JW volunteers qualified to use the spraying equipment, but a shit-ton of 'em who can manage a paint roller.
I was wondering why I couldn't find one of the photos the other day when I posted on another thread last week. Saw the pic on JWdotORG and when I went to grab it to include in my post, the whole gallery was gone.
As I mentioned on the other thread, I thought it was crazy that the receiving docks needs granite faced retaining walls. It's a receiving docks for goodness sake. Why not build a concrete wall like every other receiving dock in the world? Nothing but the best for Warwick!
@freemindfade not really I did not hear anything about toxic waste. Actually, during the day you see locals fishing and swimming on it. The other thing is that they have neighbors on the other side of the lake/dam. The company is IBM, the crazy bro's felt that they build the branch near them for a reason. Because after the big A they would use those offices and there computers. Mind you these were just crazy volunteers saying this.
There were a lot of nice people working there. You had some wackos too. One interesting thing is that they would tell you not to preach to the contractors.
Really, don't preach to the contractors???
Good enough for the rank and file to lose their jobs over witnessing on the job, but don't witness to OUR contractors.
One interesting thing is that they would tell you not to preach to the contractors.
I can just imagine the conversations, since the Warwick project seems to attract the nuttiest nutters anyway.
"Say Mister Contractor - have you ever worked on a building that will survive Armageddon? 'Cause you are now!"
Under one of the photo's is a comment that states females make up 35% of the workers. Thats got to mean a lot of unqualified workers.
You better elaborate on this comment. As it is, sounds quite offensive to women. Work hard to get yourself of this faux pas