Removed from JW.ORG: Warwick Photo Gallery 3 (January Through April 2015)

by wifibandit 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OrphanCrow
    Listener: Under one of the photo's is a comment that states females make up 35% of the workers. Thats got to mean a lot of unqualified workers.

    Yeah. You are right.

    Take the females out of the work force, and you have 65% of those volunteers who have questionable qualifications.

  • OrphanCrow
    Listener: I am a female and don't mean to suggest anything offensive about females. More and more females are becoming involved in building work these days but males still far outstrip them in numbers.

    Yeah..but you didn't say numbers, you said quailifed. Big difference.

    And it doesn't matter if you are female, you still can't get away with that insult.

  • Listener
    There is no insult it's highly unlikely that a great number of them would be qualified unless the org went on a special recruitment drive specifically for females.
  • OrphanCrow
    Listener- There is no insult it's highly unlikely that a great number of them would be qualified unless the org went on a special recruitment drive specifically for females.

    Your conclusion does not follow your premise.

  • Vidiot
    I think what Listener means is that dutiful JW women coming out of the rank-and-file and volunteering at places that require more stringent and specific qualifications can't help but - ironically - be somewhat lacking in those specific qualifications, simply by virtue of having been dutiful JW women.
  • Gentledawn
    Listener : There is no insult it's highly unlikely that a great number of them would be qualified unless the org went on a special recruitment drive specifically for females.

    Didn't the bOrg have work volunteer applications, in order to sift out the unskilled and unqualified?

    Do you have any evidence to suggest that females are 'almost always' ("Thats got to mean a lot of unqualified workers", followed by "great number of them [the women]") unqualified for construction, engineering and building work?

    Listener: Under one of the photo's is a comment that states females make up 35% of the workers. Thats got to mean a lot of unqualified workers.

    Sooo misogynistic. Doesn't matter if you're a woman or not. Making sweeping derogatory generalizations about a specific subset of the population usually flags the speaker as a bigot of one sort or another.

    OrphanCrow:Yeah..but you didn't say numbers, you said qualified. Big difference.


  • cappytan

    You aren't PC, bro? I'm PC. Why aren't you PC?

  • Gentledawn

    It's not about men's rights or misandry or redpills or even political correctness. Or so-called "dank memes".

    Yeah, most of us reddit, too. How 'bout that?

  • cappytan

    To call that dude out on that harmless comment is ridiculous. We are becoming a culture of the perpetually offended.

    The right thing to do is roll your eyes at what you might perceive to be ignorance and move on.

  • Gentledawn

    So what? You didn't do the same with mine or OrphanCrows comment. Why don't you practice what you preach, "bro"?

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