Listener : There is no insult it's highly unlikely that a great number of them would be qualified unless the org went on a special recruitment drive specifically for females.
Didn't the bOrg have work volunteer applications, in order to sift out the unskilled and unqualified?
Do you have any evidence to suggest that females are 'almost always' ("Thats got to mean a lot of unqualified workers", followed by "great number of them [the women]") unqualified for construction, engineering and building work?
Listener: Under one of the photo's is a comment that states females make up 35% of the workers. Thats got to mean a lot of unqualified workers.
Sooo misogynistic. Doesn't matter if you're a woman or not. Making sweeping derogatory generalizations about a specific subset of the population usually flags the speaker as a bigot of one sort or another.
OrphanCrow:Yeah..but you didn't say numbers, you said qualified. Big difference.