But this is proof to me that the hive-mind, cult-mindset is real. JWs can not allow for normal human kindness. I don't blame them as individuals. It isn't their fault.
Let me turn that thought around. By the way I am a real fan of your insights and forum posts. So we are just having a conversation. Here's what I would say.
I miss my old friends in the congregation I grew up in. Many were much older then me but showed me a genuine affection. Until they realized my wife and I were no longer a part of the JW construct.
None remained friends even though in the mid 1960's you could DA yourself and not be shunned. But we expected that and were resigned to lose our decade old friendships.
We were not troubled by lost friendships as they demonstrated their conditional love.
I stayed neutral re the JW's especially with my family. And then something happened that changed my thinking and my wife's.
Nov. 18 1978......Jonestown happened and of the nine hundred plus people who died.........over 300 children died often in the arms of their parents. And IT Was The Fault of those parents. They threw away their family love and responsibility to love, cherish and keep them safe.
They chose their insane leadership over their close family & friends...... even over their innocent children.
This is what I learned about Jonestown: when it comes to the safety of one's family you don't put them in a difficult and dangerous situation....it is the parents responsibility to know better.
When it comes to one's children, mate and close friendships why abandon them for a bitter cup of fruit juice laced with poison.
A total of over nine hundred women, men and children went to their painful deaths because of a belief that turned ugly. Because of leadership that had become insane.
Because in not fighting back they made their families vulnerable to the rantings of a madman and his gun toting lackeys.
I cut away any good feelings about people who would knowingly sacrifice the lives of family and friends to remain in the good graces of their leadership. Not poison but quackery when it came to blood transfusions, transplants back in the 1970'd, marriages torn apart, their children's lives ruined because of early baptisms. People who set aside their ability to think rationally preferring a delusion that jeopardized their family.
It is your fault if you accept a corrupted dogma and act on it.
If you are breaking away from that dogma and need help it is available on this and other forums.