The evidence for evolution is overwhelming, there is no point in discussing this with someone who chooses to be ignorant at this point in time.
A scientific theory does mean we have a very good understanding of the subject, it's no longer a hypothesis. The theory of Newtonian gravity holds in most places as does the theory of Darwinian evolution.
We know there are some issues and false generalizations at the edges of either of those theories (like quantum physics or the cosmic distances that require Einstein's equations) but for every day descriptions of biology and physics, they are facts.
There are some hypothesis as for the genesis of life and those have been pretty much fleshed out for the last half century, the only problem being that it's darn difficult to reproduce an event caused by physical, planetary-sized forces that left no measurable trace... in a 10x10ft lab. But we have gotten very close, we can already reproduce things that self-replicate in the lab (it's very close to "alive") and we are also fairly close to simulating and creating artificial life forms. But even then, once we can create life, it does not mean that is actually the exact way it happened.
Let's put forth the (very simplistic) hypothesis that it requires a lightning bolt to a primordial lake to start off the first. In our labs we do not have the space for a lake nor is anyone in the world capable of generating full-force lightning (we don't even fully understand the phenomenon). That is the difficulty right now in evolutionary theory - we have all the pieces and the puzzle is almost complete, but it's missing some things in the middle, namely, the absolute certainty of the genesis of life (we have an idea of where to look) as well as (on the other end) how to shape our future evolution (although we've been doing that inadvertently for the last 10,000 years or so).